Rate Rollercoaster Continues...DTI-Wanna Qualify!

Mortgage, Markets, and More

18-03-2024 • 12 mins

🎢🏡 Welcome back, marvelous mortgage seekers! I'm your host, Peter D'Angelo, ready to take you on another thrilling ride on the latest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," titled "Rate Rollercoaster Continues...DTI-Wanna Qualify!" 🎉📉

Hang onto your hats because we've had some ups and downs this week, and I'm here to share the loop-de-loops of our mortgage rate journey while also schooling you on the ABCs of DTI—that's Debt-To-Income for our new friends on this financial coaster. 🤓💰

From sizzling survey stats to whispers of inflation, I've got the lowdown that can turn you into a mortgage qualification guru! Get the inside track on how your income, debts, and that magical DTI ratio can land you in the home of your dreams—or give you the knowledge to smartly adjust those home-owning aspirations. 🏠✨

So tune in now, amp up your mortgage wisdom, and join the party of informed listeners who aren't afraid to face the twists and turns of the real estate market! 🎧 And of course, hit subscribe, send this episode zooming into the inboxes of your buddies, and stay tuned for our next sensational market update!

Let's tackle this week with energy and brains to match—because when it comes to navigating the rate rollercoaster, knowledge is your superpower! 💪🧠 #DTIDeepDive #MortgageMania #RateRollercoaster

Watch this episode on Youtube!

Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!
Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!

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Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS 2611

*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.