Mortgage Rates UPdate, I-C-PCE...Going Up

Mortgage, Markets, and More

29-04-2024 • 11 mins

📈☀️ Happy new week and almost-Cinco de Mayo, everyone! Peter D'Angelo here to spice up your life with another robust episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," where we're all about keeping it short, sweet, and sizzling with the latest in the mortgage rate cosmos. 🌶️🎉

👉 Today, it's all about that Mortgage Rates UPDATE, with a side of I-C-PCE (Inflation & Personal Consumption Expenditures) analytics that's got us all on our toes. 🤓💵

🏦 We're launching into the bond market's wild waves, surfing through the ten-year treasury yield that finished last week at 4.67%, teasing us with its up-and-down antics. But hold on to your hats, because the five and two-year yields have flipped the script, giving us that eyebrow-raising inverted yield curve. Yep, longer bonds are yielding less and shorter bonds more, and that's got some whispering the "R" word (recession). But here's me, keeping a cool head and a steady gaze on what really matters — your mortgage rates. 🔁👀

✨ The scene is set with:

  • A 30-year fixed rate average of 7.52%
  • An FHA flavor sitting pretty at 7%
  • Jumbo chunks at 7.68%
  • The agile 15-year fixed peeking at 6.91%
  • And the stunning ARM, now flexing its muscle at a 52-week high of 7.55% 💪🎯

🌡 Inflation isn't hiding from our eagle eyes, with the PCE giving us the chilly willies, up at 2.7% year-over-year. As the world turns and wallets open, personal incomes have tickled up 0.5% month-over-month, but spending? That's the secret swoon of inflation. Too much cash splashing and we're back in the thick of it. 🛍📊

Now, as we edge closer to the Federal Reserve's powwow, the air is tinged with anticipation. What spells will they cast upon rates? Will they hold the line, chop and change, or keep us guessing? We need answers, and come Wednesday, the crystal ball might just clear for all to see. 🔮

#MortgageRates #Inflation #MarketUpdate #Finance #Economy #Education #MortgagePodcast

🎙 So, are you fueled by curiosity, racing for knowledge, or just fancy a spot of mortgage banter? Like, share, and subscribe, because knowledge is power — and sharing is caring. Let this be the beacon of your financial journey, and let's get ready to tackle whatever the Fed throws our way mid-week. Until then, may your days be bright and your finances tighter. See you all on Friday! 🚀🌟

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Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS 2611

*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.