Real Estate Competition with a Side of Fed

Mortgage, Markets, and More

02-02-2024 • 11 mins

🏠📈 Welcome back to "Mortgage, Markets, and More," folks! It's me, your host, Peter D'Angelo, and in this episode, I'm going to take you through the robust real estate arena as it stands in the wake of the National Association of Realtors' latest data drop from December. It's a dynamic world out there, with demand as high as skyscrapers and inventory still catching up.

🏙️ I'll be giving you an insider's view of our local markets right here in North Jersey and the ripple effect of a climate where interest rates are playing a colossal role in both selling and buying decisions.

📊 Let's dive into the meaty stuff—the economy and how it's intertwined with real estate fortunes. I'll break down the alphabet soup of inflation indicators for you, including the PCE and CPI, so you can understand exactly where things stand and what that could mean for your wallet.

💼 I'm also unpacking the latest job numbers that are off-the-charts good and discussing how these figures are influencing the Federal Reserve's interest rate dance. It's a curious time, with rates swaying based on data that's full of surprises.

🏦 Stick with me as I connect the ups and downs of the stock market to the shifts in bond market, which in turn, hold the reins of mortgage rates. In the face of inflationary pressures and hopeful indicators, we'll explore the Fed's elusive 2% target and what it means in this grand economic puzzle.

🏡 I'll get real with you on listing strategies that are turning the heads of buyers across various price brackets, and the tactics that can help you conquer the competition when making offers. As always, I'm a big believer in preparation—your crucial ally in these competitive times.

🔍 Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this journey with anyone standing at the crossroads of real estate and economic intrigue. With "Mortgage, Markets, and More," I'm here to ensure you're armed with the sharpest insights for the ever-evolving battlefield of the market.

📻 I thoroughly appreciate you tuning in and wish you an informed and exciting weekend ahead!

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Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS 2611

*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.