Fine-Tuning Your Mind: Essential Mental Health Maintenance

The Motovation Podcast

15-04-2024 • 59 mins

On the podcast, Laurie Joy Kingwell and Richelle Trelenberg (filling in for Krissy Vann, who's off on her own mental maintenance run) take you on a road trip through the landscape of mental health.

🏍️ On Today's Route:
Just like a finely tuned motorcycle that needs regular checks to keep purring, our minds require consistent care to tackle life’s potholes. We'll explore startling statistics revealing that one in five Canadians and nearly as many Americans are navigating mental health challenges each year.

🔧 Motovation Maintenace:
Laurie and Richelle share their toolkit for regular mental upkeep, with tips that are easier to implement than changing a spark plug. They’ll guide you through the signs your mental engine might be sputtering and how to kick it back into high gear.

So, buckle up and let's accelerate towards better mental health. Because after all, isn't life just a scenic route that's better enjoyed with a smooth-running mind? Tune in now and shift your mental wellness into a higher gear.