The Motovation Podcast

Krissy Vann & Laurie Joy Kingwell

Welcome to "The Motovation," the empowering podcast that uses motorcycles as a metaphor for life's journey. Join us on this exhilarating ride of personal growth and celebration of resilience. At "The Motovation," we embrace diversity and aim to motivate people from all walks of life.

🏍️ About "The Motovation" Podcast:
Discover the inspiring stories of women who navigate the twists and turns of life with courage and determination. Our show is more than just motorcycles; it's about the deep bonds, hearty laughter, and profound 'aha' moments shared within this incredible community. Laurie and Krissy, your passionate hosts, rev up the wisdom, humor, and wonder of life's adventurous souls.

🎙️ Meet Your Hosts:

🎤 Laurie Joy: By day, Laurie is Vancouver's own child whisperer, bringing her expertise in neuroscience and human behavior to nurture young minds. By night, she's a captivating storyteller who infuses humor and wisdom into our discussions. Laurie Joy's unique perspective guides us through the twists and turns of adult life, making every episode a delightful journey of self-discovery.

🎤 Krissy Vann: With an extensive career in broadcasting, including The Weather Network, CBC, and CTV News, Krissy brings her exceptional interviewing skills to "The Motovation Podcast." Inspired by the motorcycle community, she shifted gears from her TV career to share transformative narratives. During the day, she navigates the corporate fitness world, and on the show, she weaves engaging stories from the motorcycling world, leaving you inspired at every turn.

Join us for "The Motovation" podcast, where empowerment, inclusivity, and the thrill of life's adventures merge to create a motivating journey worth taking.

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Ride The Story: Breaking Free from Life's Script
Ride The Story: Breaking Free from Life's Script
In the latest episode of "The Motovation," hosted by Krissy Vann and Laurie Joy Kingwell, we take you on a unique journey titled "Ride the Story: Shifting Gears from Conditioning to Autonomy." This episode is more than just a conversation; it's an exploration into the depths of the narratives we've been told and the ones we tell ourselves. As we navigate through the twists and turns of societal expectations and personal accountability, Krissy and Laurie invite listeners to question the paths laid out before them and to consider the thrilling possibility of charting their own course.Drawing parallels between the open road beneath a motorcycle's wheels and the journey of self-improvement, "Ride the Story" delves into the essence of living life on your own terms. It's about recognizing the stop signs and detours placed by others but choosing to throttle forward towards personal freedom and authenticity. Through a mix of insightful discussions, personal anecdotes, and motivational wisdom, Krissy and Laurie illuminate the challenges and rewards of breaking free from the mold to live a life that's truly yours.Whether it's confronting the fears that keep us riding in circles or embracing the exhilaration of taking the road less traveled, this episode is a beacon for anyone ready to question their direction and take control of their journey. "Ride the Story" isn't just about motorcycles; it's a metaphor for life, urging us to shift gears from being passengers of our own lives to becoming the fearless riders of our destiny.Join Krissy and Laurie on "The Motovation" as they empower you to dismantle limiting beliefs, challenge societal conditioning, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and autonomy. Let "Ride the Story" inspire you to rev your engine, grip the handlebars tightly, and accelerate into a future where you are the master of your path. Tune in, and let this episode fuel your motivation to live boldly and authentically.
Navigating the Fog: Carlenn Smith's Journey of Self-Discovery and the Search for Her Father
Navigating the Fog: Carlenn Smith's Journey of Self-Discovery and the Search for Her Father
In this compelling episode of The Motovation Podcast, we embark on a journey shrouded in mystery and resilience with Carlenn Smith. Like navigating a motorcycle through dense fog, Carlenn's life has been a testament to the courage required to move forward when the path ahead is unclear. Her quest for clarity amidst life's uncertainties mirrors the challenges of finding one's way through limited visibility, where each turn could reveal new truths or deepen existing mysteries.For years, Carlenn faced a personal fog—the enigmatic disappearance of her biological father, Steven Edward Gooch, also known as the Cliff Doe. His fate, lost in the silence of the past, remained an unsolved cold case for over two decades. However, a breakthrough emerges as unexpectedly as a clearing in the mist, offering Carlenn a glimpse into the long-concealed truth of her father's identity and fate. This revelation came through the merging paths of Carlenn's DNA and the unwavering efforts of those dedicated to illuminating the stories of the forgotten.Carlenn's discovery serves as a beacon of hope, slicing through the fog of uncertainty to shed light on a crucial aspect of her identity. This episode delves into her profound journey of self-discovery, reflecting on the importance of understanding oneself beyond the mysteries that may cloud our past. Carlenn's narrative is a powerful reminder of how the pieces of our personal puzzles can fall into place in the most unexpected ways, guiding us towards a life of authenticity and purpose.Tune in to hear Carlenn share her inspiring story of perseverance, inner reflection, and the pivotal moments that led her to uncover the truth about her father. It's a tale of self-discovery, peace amidst confusion, and the transformative power of knowing one's true self. Join us on The Motovation Podcast for an episode that promises to illuminate the paths we navigate through life's dense fogs, reminding us of the clarity and understanding that await on the other side of the unknown.
Riding the Risk | The Thrill of Life's Highway
Riding the Risk | The Thrill of Life's Highway
Just as a motorcyclist expertly balances on the razor's edge between control and freedom, life beckons us to navigate its winding paths, where every turn presents a choice between safety and the thrill of the unknown.In today's journey, we dive deep into the heart of risk-taking, shedding light on how it's not merely a leap into the unknown  but a calculated throttle twist towards the most electrifying experiences life has to offer. We'll dissect the neural circuits that ignite with anticipation as we gear up to take a chance, revealing how risk-taking can be the nitro boost propelling us forward, both in the personal and professional arenas.Thrill-seekers and cautious riders alike will discover the science behind the adrenaline surge that courses through us as we lean into life's tight curves. We're talking about the kind of rush that comes from making bold career moves, venturing into uncharted markets, or even opening our hearts to new relationships. It's about understanding how, much like choosing the right line through a corner, the calculated risks we take define the trajectory of our lives.Join us as we map out the routes that lead to growth, adventure, and fulfillment. Learn how to harness the power of risk as a tool in your life's toolbox, turning challenges into opportunities and fears into triumphs. Whether you're navigating the switchbacks of personal development or accelerating down the straightaways of professional achievement, today's episode is your guide to embracing the beauty of the ride.So, kickstart your engines, and let's ride into the realm of possibilities together on The Motovation Podcast.#motorcyclepodcast #womenwhoride #personalgrowth
Two Wheels, 48 States: Rachel Lepley's Journey of Determination and Discovery
Two Wheels, 48 States: Rachel Lepley's Journey of Determination and Discovery
We're revving up excitement with Rachel Lepley, an adventurer who has accelerated  through all 48 contiguous states of the US in just 48 days, joining hosts Laurie Joy and Krissy Vann. Rachel's journey is not merely a ride of endurance and discovery; it's a powerful nudge to grab life by the handlebars, to venture beyond our comfort zones, and to trust that with the right speed, the universe will indeed align in our favor.Hailing from London, Rachel kicked off this 21,000-mile challenge not on a typical tourer, but astride a Royal Enfield Interceptor 650 named Stella. Battling every conceivable climate and countless hurdles, Rachel's saga is one of relentless positivity and grit. From navigating a lightning storm in Utah with only her braking lights to fend off the darkness, to rubbing elbows with Hell’s Angels, and pushing through her own battles with anxiety and depression, Rachel's voyage stands as a beacon of the human spirit's tenacity.Propelled by a desire to push her limits and to inspire other women to embrace the adrenaline of biking, Rachel's mission is both clear and uplifting: "Do it! Sometimes you have to blaze past your norms to encounter the most unimaginable thrills."Gear up as Rachel recounts the peaks and valleys of her extraordinary expedition, the transformative encounters, the eclectic personalities she met along the way, and how this expedition has geared her up for her next grand tour. Whether you're a budding explorer, in search of motivation to chase your dreams, or simply looking for a narrative that champions the essence of positive action and thought, this episode has you covered.Shift into The Motovation Podcast and let Rachel Leply's remarkable journey inspire you to throttle up, steer clear of hesitation, and make your dreams a reality. Because when it's right, the universe will indeed align.This is The Motovation Podcast
Clearing the Visor: Finding Clarity in Life's Chaos
Clearing the Visor: Finding Clarity in Life's Chaos
Life is a journey, and like any journey, it has its fair share of obstacles and challenges. Just like bugs splattering against a motorcycle visor, our lives can become clouded by the constant barrage of worries, doubts, insecurities, and fears. These negative thoughts and emotions can accumulate, making it increasingly difficult to see the path ahead with clarity.In times of chaos and turbulence, it's crucial to recognize the need to pull over, take a break, and clear the visor of our minds. Much like a motorcyclist who can't navigate effectively with a dirty visor, we can't make sound decisions or find happiness when our minds are clouded by anxiety and stress.So, how can we regain that clear perspective and rediscover the joy of our life's journey? It begins with taking a moment to pause and breathe. By doing so, we can activate our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher-level thinking and decision-making. This allows us to step away from the fight, flight, or freeze response and approach our challenges with a calm and rational mind.Here are some strategies and techniques to help you clear your mental visor and find clarity in life's chaos:Mindfulness Meditation: Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present and reduce the impact of negative thoughts and emotions. It allows you to observe your thoughts without judgment and gain a clearer perspective on them.Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process them. It helps you identify recurring patterns of negativity and gives you a chance to reframe your perspective.Seek Support: Don't be afraid to reach out to friends, family, or a therapist when you're feeling overwhelmed. Sharing your worries with others can provide valuable insights and emotional support.Set Priorities: Sometimes, the chaos in our lives stems from overcommitting or not setting clear priorities. Take the time to evaluate what truly matters to you and focus your energy on those things.Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that it's okay to have moments of doubt and insecurity. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend facing similar challenges.Embrace Change: Life is ever-evolving, and it's essential to adapt to changes and uncertainties. Instead of fearing the unknown, view it as an opportunity for growth and new experiences.Visualize Your Goals: Create a clear vision of what you want to achieve in life. This can help you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with obstacles.In this episode, we'll delve deeper into these strategies and share inspiring stories and conversations that demonstrate how individuals have cleared their mental visors to find clarity and purpose in their lives. We'll explore real-life examples of people who have faced adversity and transformed their challenges into opportunities for growth.Join us on this journey to clear your mental visor and discover the joy of living a life viewed through a clear lens. Remember, you have the power to thrive, not just survive, even in the midst of life's chaos.
Ride Your Own Ride
Ride Your Own Ride
In the riding community, the mantra "Ride Your Own Ride" is often repeated. This saying holds the essence of individuality, emphasizing that personal choices of how you take to the road is yours and yours alone for better or worse. It's also a reminder that each rider must chart their own course, a journey that evolves over time but remains uniquely theirs to navigate. Being an authentic rider goes beyond choosing the right bike, speed, route, terrain, and destination—it's a personal commitment driven by individual preferences and motivations. This ethos extends into the broader context of our lives, where we continually discover what resonates deeply within us, aligning with the core of our authentic selves and how we move through this life. Living authentically transcends trends; it's a dynamic and transformative journey that requires sacrifices and a willingness to embrace uncertainties. It involves navigating the moments when we realize our well worn path might not align with our true selves, mirroring the daily encounters where we uncover what truly makes us tick. This episode explores the nature of authenticity, recognizing that it's not just about staying true to yourself but also adapting and responding to the ever-changing environments and relationships around you.In our discussion, we'll delve into Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2023, 'Authentic.' We'll unpack its beauty and complexity, exploring the nuances of living authentically. Because, ultimately, it's not just about reaching a destination; it's about crafting a life that resonates with the distinct roar of your own engine and acknowledging the sacrifices that often accompany that journey. Welcome to "Ride Your Own Ride."#motivation #authenticity #lifeadvice