How to build a culture of service innovation to drive growth

Predictable B2B Success

30-01-2024 • 46 mins

How can organizations foster creativity and develop truly customer-centric solutions in a world where B2B success increasingly relies on innovation?

Please tune in to our latest episode, in which service innovation expert Shaun McAndrew shares her transformative insights on navigating the dynamic landscape of business innovation. Discover why Shaun advocates for prototypes over MVPs to avoid over-featured products and the importance of guided ideation and team collaboration in driving innovation. Uncover how Shaun's experiential workshops empower companies to identify opportunities and challenges while understanding the voice of the customer to shape innovative offerings. Learn why a customer-centric approach and storytelling are pivotal in B2B contexts and how the living lab model revolutionizes the traditional product development process.

Join us as we explore the nuanced strategies, cultural shifts, and iterative testing required for businesses to thrive in an era where simplicity and customer empathy are essential to predictable B2B success.

Some areas we explore in this episode include:

  • Importance of using prototypes instead of MVPs for product testing
  • Distinguishing between MVPs for product offerings and prototypes for services or solutions
  • Directed/guided ideation and the sharing of ideas within a team for innovation
  • Sponsor and leadership commitment to service opportunities
  • Organizational culture and leadership support for fostering innovation
  • Shifting mindsets towards focusing on "jobs to be done" perspectives
  • Customer-centric approach to product and service innovation
  • Workshop-based approach to bring about organizational change and support service innovation
  • Significance of storytelling and value proposition in B2B business development
  • Challenges and solutions in developing and testing minimum viable services or products
  • And much, much more...