63. Don't Stress About Stress!

Shattered to Unbreakable: The Reclaim Podcast

28-03-2024 • 6 mins

Welcome back to another empowering episode of Shattered to Unbreakable! Today, I'm delving deep into a topic that affects us all: stress and anxiety. As someone who's navigated through their own journey of overcoming adversity, I'm passionate about sharing insights that can help others on their path to resilience.

In this episode, I explore the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress. While a healthy dose of stress can be a catalyst for growth and development, prolonged exposure to stress and anxiety can take a serious toll on both our physical and mental well-being. I discuss the importance of recognizing when stress becomes toxic, particularly in environments that perpetuate negativity and toxicity.

But here's the thing: we don't have to succumb to the pressures of stress. I firmly believe in the power of choice—that we can actively choose excitement over fear, even in the face of challenging circumstances. By reframing our mindset and embracing excitement, we can transform how we perceive and respond to stressors in our lives.

And here's a gentle reminder: it's okay to not be okay sometimes. We shouldn't add more stress by stressing about being stressed. Instead, I encourage listeners to take proactive steps towards reducing stress in their environments and seeking support when needed. Change is possible, even in the most stressful situations.

So, whether you're grappling with stress and anxiety yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode has bite-sized practical advice and encouragement to help you navigate through life's challenges with resilience and grace.

Stay tuned as we journey together from Shattered to Unbreakable.

Stay Sparkly!


  • Stress and anxiety can be beneficial in small doses, as they can motivate and help us grow.
  • Prolonged stress and anxiety can have negative effects on our physical and mental health.
  • It's important to differentiate between healthy stress and unhealthy stress, and to take steps to reduce stress in toxic environments.
  • Choosing excitement over fear can help shift our mindset and approach to stressful situations.

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