Shattered to Unbreakable: The Reclaim Podcast

Brandi Babin

Have you ever found yourself thinking, "I know I'm not living the life I am supposed to be living, but I don't know how to get there"? In this podcast, I'll be sharing life hacks to help you break through your daily struggles and less-than-flattering self-image and turn it into an unbreakable confidence that will help you step into your best life! Join us for relevant topics, guest speakers, and never-before-heard ideas to help you take the next right step for you every week. Subscribe for exclusive and ad-free content: read less


70. How to Snag that Promotion
2d ago
70. How to Snag that Promotion
In this episode of "Shattered to Unbreakable," I delve into the exciting topic of advancing in your career. Let's face it, navigating the workplace can be tough, especially for us ladies. We're expected to find that perfect balance between being assertive and approachable, like trying to walk a tightrope in stilettos! I've got some nuggets of wisdom to share based on my own journey. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder or running your own show, I've learned a thing or two that might just help you level up. First things first, it's all about mindset. Picture yourself as the CEO of your own career, even if you're not the one signing the checks. When you start thinking like a business owner, you'll see things differently—processes, goals, budgets, you name it. It's like putting on a new pair of glasses and suddenly everything becomes clearer. One of my top tips? Do your homework. Know your company inside and out, from its mission to its leadership. And don't be afraid to expand your skill set. I'm talking YouTube tutorials, online courses—get your learn on! When I found myself in roles where I had to learn on the fly, I dove headfirst into resources like QuickBooks and Excel, and let me tell you, it paid off big time. But it's not just about what you know, it's also about who you know. Understanding the personalities of your coworkers and bosses can be a game-changer. Ever heard of the DISC personality test? It's like a cheat code for communication. Once you crack the code on how people tick, you'll be speaking their language in no time. And let's not forget about self-care and task management. I'm all about that organized life, whether it's color-coded spreadsheets or scheduled "jam sessions" to tackle my to-do list. Plus, a little humor goes a long way in making those mundane tasks a bit more bearable. Trust me, I've mastered the art of making Excel spreadsheets fun(ny). In a nutshell, keep learning, keep growing, and don't forget to laugh along the way. The road to success might have a few bumps, but with the right mindset and a sprinkle of humor, you'll be unstoppable. Stay Sparkly, Sweet Sisters!
68. Mean Girls in Real Life
68. Mean Girls in Real Life
Hey Sparkly Sisters, it's Brandi Babin here, and welcome back to another episode of "Shattered to Unbreakable." Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's been on my mind lately: how we treat each other as women. We've talked a lot about self-love and comparison, but now I want to shift the focus to how we view and treat other women. It all started at this event I attended where the speaker, Heidi Calmus of Dude Dad @heidicalmus on Instagram discussed the power of community and how we perceive ourselves and others. It got me thinking. When asked how we feel walking into a room full of women, many of us admit to feeling insecure or inadequate. But here's the kicker: when asked how we view other women in the same room, the responses were eye-opening. Some women were quick to judge, criticizing appearances or making assumptions about personalities. But here's the thing. We're all in this together, navigating our own insecurities and challenges. So why do we feel the need to tear each other down instead of building each other up? I was raised by a mom who always found something positive to say about others, and it's a habit I've carried with me (thank you, Mom). I was shocked to learn that some women resort to unnecessary and over-the-top negative thoughts and judgments about other women they don't even know. Those judgments often stem from our own insecurities projected onto others. And let me tell you, I've been guilty of it too. You see, I've had my own share of struggles, especially after my divorce, when a smear campaign left me questioning others' perceptions of me. It made me hyper-aware of body language and quick to misinterpret intentions. But through it all, I've learned the importance of self-reflection and healing. Because when we heal ourselves, we're less likely to project our insecurities onto others. Imagine a world where women support and uplift each other without judgment or gossip. It's within our reach if we do the work. But it does require us to do the inner work and choose kindness over criticism. So next time you encounter a woman, instead of focusing on flaws or differences, try to see the beauty and strength within her. And if you catch yourself thinking negatively, take a moment to reflect on where those thoughts are coming from. Together, we can create a community of empowered, supportive women who lift each other up and shine brightly. So let's commit to being the change we wish to see in the world. That's all for today, Sweet Sisters. Remember to stay sparkly and help others sparkle too. Until next time, take care and spread kindness wherever you go. Bye for now!
67. The Secret to Fast-Track Your Self-Growth
67. The Secret to Fast-Track Your Self-Growth
Hey there, Sweet Sisters! It's your girl Brandi Babin back at it with another episode of "Shattered to Unbreakable." Today, we're diving into one of my favorite life hacks that's been a bit under the radar until now. You ready? So, picture this: life's throwing you curveballs left and right, and you're feeling like you're on the struggle bus with no stops in sight. Sound familiar? Well, fear not, because I've got a little something up my sleeve that packs a big punch: prayer. I know, I know, some of you might be rolling your eyes, thinking, "Come on, Brandi, prayer? Really?" But stick with me here, folks. Prayer isn't just some mystical ritual reserved for saints and scholars. Nope, it's like having a heart-to-heart chat with the universe, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. Ever find yourself feeling frustrated, sad, worried, or just plain happy? Well, guess what? There's a prayer for that. Yep, you heard me right. Prayer isn't just reserved for the tough times; it's a way to connect with something bigger than ourselves no matter what we're feeling. And here's the beauty of it: you don't need a fancy script or a laundry list of requests to pray. Nah, just speak from the heart, and trust me, the big guy upstairs is all ears. It's like having a direct line to the universe's customer service hotline, and let me tell you, the response time is impeccable. But wait, it gets even better. You know those pre-made prayers like the Hail Mary or Saint Michael the Archangel? Well, consider them your spiritual cheat codes. They're like the friend who always knows just what to say when you're at a loss for words. So here's the bottom line, folks: prayer isn't just some religious ritual; it's a way of life. It's like having a secret weapon in your back pocket, ready to unleash its power whenever you need it most. Alrighty, that's a wrap for today, my lovely listeners. Remember, keep those prayers flowing, stay true to yourself, and I'll catch you on the flip side. Peace out, sweet souls!
66. Mastering the Overwhelm of Life
66. Mastering the Overwhelm of Life
Hey there, Sweet Sisters! Brandi here, back at it again with another episode of "Shattered to Unbreakable." I asked what you'd like to hear about this week and most of you wanted to focus on the overwhelm of life and master that feeling. This is the perfect episode with the most perfect timing because I JUST dealt with overwhelm starting to creep up in my life. Luckily, because of my experience in therapy and years of research in self-development, I have the formula to recognize and combat this feeling of overwhelm and this is the episode that I share my best tools with you. First of all, my favorite tool for all things Shattered to Unbreakable is the Reclaim Guidebook. In this episode I share how you can get yours for FREE! But you have to listen in to find out how! ;) I use this Guidebook to help me Dump & Bump, which is the Reclaim Strategy along with positive self-talk and somatic experiencing! With these three tools you can literally conquer anything life tries to throw at you. I share something in this episode that I have never shared before and that is my recipe for designing your Seasons of life. This is the most effective way I have conquered overwhelm in my life, and it hasn't failed me yet. When you feel like you're doing too much, you're right. It's time to brain dump, prioritize, schedule, and design. This episode teaches you how to do just that. Stop on by and give it a listen to learn how to finally Master the Overwhelm of Life! Stay Sparkly Sweet Sisters!
65. Reality Check on Living Loud... Peacefully
65. Reality Check on Living Loud... Peacefully
Welcome back to another captivating episode of Shattered to Unbreakable with your host, Brandi Babin! Today, I've got a tale that'll make you chuckle and ponder in equal measure. So buckle up for a story that took me on an unexpected journey to the front lines of my beliefs. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and pray at Planned Parenthood—a decision not without controversy. Now, let me be clear—I'm pro-life, but I'm not here to judge. I believe in the sanctity of life, yet I respect individuals' choices. That's just my stance, but hey, we're all entitled to our opinions, right? As I quietly prayed, I encountered an unexpected adversary—a lady with a sign proclaiming organized religion as a cult. She wasn't shy about letting me know her thoughts, hurling accusations and taunts my way. Despite her aggression, I chose to meet her eyes and pray aloud, which seemed to catch her off guard. But the drama didn't stop there. Two fellow believers joined me, but instead of responding with love, they returned her hostility. It was a moment of reflection for me—wasn't our faith about compassion and understanding? So, we chose to pray for her, embracing the challenge of showing grace in the face of adversity. Yet, her antics persisted, from blasting provocative music to hurling insults. It was a stark reminder that living your faith publicly isn't always easy. But through it all, I gained a newfound respect for those who courageously stand up for their beliefs, even in the face of hostility. So, this episode is a tribute to all of you brave souls out there living your faith out loud. Whether it's peacefully protesting or simply praying in public, your resilience inspires us all. And for those who may be hesitant, remember, you're not alone. Together, we can face any challenge with strength, courage, and love. As we navigate life's twists and turns, let's keep fighting the good fight and shining bright. Until next time, stay sparkly, sweet sisters!
64. A Hero In Waiting
64. A Hero In Waiting
Welcome back to another thought-provoking episode of Shattered to Unbreakable with your host, Brandi Babin! Today, we're diving headfirst into a topic that's sure to spark some lively discussion: Are we born good or bad? It's a question that's been on my mind, influenced by conversations, social media, and my own journey of self-discovery. As a Catholic, I grapple with the notion of original sin and the belief that we're born with inherent flaws. But beyond religious doctrine, I've delved into psychology and philosophy, exploring different perspectives on human nature. From childhood, we're taught values and morals, shaping our behavior and character. But is goodness innate, or do we learn it through practice and discipline? I've always told my kids, "You're not a bad boy; you're making a bad choice," instilling the idea that behavior can be corrected and improved. Drawing from psychology, I observe the developmental stages of childhood, where egocentrism and impulsivity reign supreme. But what about adulthood? I reflect on the disturbing Abu Ghraib trials, where seemingly good soldiers committed heinous acts in a warped environment. Philip Zimbardo's insights shed light on the ease with which ordinary people can deviate into darkness under certain conditions. Yet, amidst the darkness, there's a glimmer of hope—a call to heroism. I'm captivated by Zimbardo's concept of "heroes in waiting," ordinary individuals poised to perform extraordinary acts. From a subway rescue to whistleblowers exposing injustice, everyday heroes inspire us to rise above fear and apathy. It's a reminder that heroism isn't reserved for the extraordinary few but lies dormant within each of us, waiting for the right moment to emerge. I know this episode may have taken a darker turn than usual, but I believe in the power of open dialogue and introspection. So, I invite you to share your thoughts, whether you agree or disagree. After all, it's through discussion and reflection that we grow and evolve. So, stay tuned for more engaging conversations, sprinkled with humor and introspection. And remember, sweet sisters, you're all heroes in waiting. Until next time, stay sparkly!
63. Don't Stress About Stress!
63. Don't Stress About Stress!
Welcome back to another empowering episode of Shattered to Unbreakable! Today, I'm delving deep into a topic that affects us all: stress and anxiety. As someone who's navigated through their own journey of overcoming adversity, I'm passionate about sharing insights that can help others on their path to resilience. In this episode, I explore the difference between healthy and unhealthy stress. While a healthy dose of stress can be a catalyst for growth and development, prolonged exposure to stress and anxiety can take a serious toll on both our physical and mental well-being. I discuss the importance of recognizing when stress becomes toxic, particularly in environments that perpetuate negativity and toxicity. But here's the thing: we don't have to succumb to the pressures of stress. I firmly believe in the power of choice—that we can actively choose excitement over fear, even in the face of challenging circumstances. By reframing our mindset and embracing excitement, we can transform how we perceive and respond to stressors in our lives. And here's a gentle reminder: it's okay to not be okay sometimes. We shouldn't add more stress by stressing about being stressed. Instead, I encourage listeners to take proactive steps towards reducing stress in their environments and seeking support when needed. Change is possible, even in the most stressful situations. So, whether you're grappling with stress and anxiety yourself or supporting someone who is, this episode has bite-sized practical advice and encouragement to help you navigate through life's challenges with resilience and grace. Stay tuned as we journey together from Shattered to Unbreakable. Stay Sparkly! Takeaways Stress and anxiety can be beneficial in small doses, as they can motivate and help us grow.Prolonged stress and anxiety can have negative effects on our physical and mental health.It's important to differentiate between healthy stress and unhealthy stress, and to take steps to reduce stress in toxic environments.Choosing excitement over fear can help shift our mindset and approach to stressful situations.
62. Picky Eater Remedy w/ Dietitian Ann Part 2
62. Picky Eater Remedy w/ Dietitian Ann Part 2
In this 2-part episode, Dietitian Ann Kent and I discuss strategies for dealing with picky eaters. We introduce the Peas and Hoppiness app, which provides meal planning and recipe ideas, emphasize the importance of autonomy in children and allowing them the freedom to change their food preferences, and discuss the concept of safe foods and the biology behind picky eating. We also explore the idea of serving dessert with dinner and removing pressure from mealtime. The conversation concludes with the importance of creating a safe environment at the table. There are various strategies for creating a safe and stress-free mealtime environment that Ann references as a "safe sanctuary" at the dinner table that blew my mind and put it in perspective for me. Another big takeaway for me was the importance of taking the pressure off and allowing children to have autonomy in their food choices. The concept of the division of responsibility is explored, highlighting the role of parents in providing nutritious meals and children in deciding how much to eat. The conversation also touches on the importance of connection and kindness at the table, as well as changing the mindset around mealtime. Additionally, Ann provides tips for incorporating fruit as a dessert option and balancing healthy desserts with sugar intake. This can all be summed up by reiterating the idea that alignment is key with intuitive eating and the convenience of the Peas and Hoppiness app for meal planning. Check out the app as well as her website: and use the code RECLAIM30 for a free month of meal planning with access to 800 recipes, weekly plans, grocery lists, etc! Takeaways Allow children the autonomy to make choices about their food.Encourage children to try new foods and allow them the freedom to change their preferences.Offer safe foods as a backup option for picky eaters.Create a safe and stress-free environment at the table to promote positive eating experiences.Serve dessert with dinner to remove the moral hierarchy around food.Balance nutritious foods with treats to provide a variety of flavors and textures. Create a safe and stress-free mealtime environment by taking the pressure off and allowing children to have autonomy in their food choices.Follow the division of responsibility, where parents provide nutritious meals and children decide how much to eat.Focus on connection and kindness at the table, avoiding judgment or pressure around food.Incorporate fruit as a dessert option and balance healthy desserts with sugar intake.Practice intuitive eating and listen to your body's cues for hunger and fullness. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Peas and Hoppiness App 01:28 The Challenge of Picky Eaters 04:09 Allowing Children the Freedom to Change 06:24 Setting Age-Appropriate Boundaries 07:30 Safe Foods for Picky Eaters 09:24 The Biology of Picky Eating 10:13 Exposure to Foods and Allowing Change 13:26 Creating a Safe Environment at the Table 20:07 Balancing Nutritious Foods and Treats PART 2 - Episode 62 25:14 Removing Pressure from Mealtime 27:25 Creating a Sanctuary at the Table 32:27 Creating a Safe Place of Healing 33:07 Taking the Pressure Off and Allowing Autonomy 34:06 The Division of Responsibility 35:27 Focusing on Connection and Kindness 36:30 Changing the Mindset Around Mealtime 38:14 Addressing Unfairness and Justice at the Table 39:03 Relieving Emotional Pressure and Setting Boundaries 40:06 Cooking for Yourself and Offering Choices 41:35 Talking About Food with Kindness and Respect 42:45 Incorporating Fruit as a Dessert Option 47:46 Balancing Healthy Desserts and Sugar Intake 52:12 The Power of Intuitive Eating and Listening to Your Body 54:40 Meal Planning Made Easy with the Peas and Hoppiness App
61. Spring Clean your Daily Routine
61. Spring Clean your Daily Routine
Welcome back to Shattered to Unbreakable Shorts! Today, we're diving into routines—are they a blessing or a burden? Host Brandi Babin shares her own journey with routines and how they've impacted her life, inspired by insights from Alex Hermosy, a self-made billionaire. She breaks down the myth of one-size-fits-all routines and emphasizes the importance of finding what works for you. Plus, she delves into the long-term effects of stress on the brain and offers practical tips for reevaluating your routines to align with your needs and values. Tune in for a short but impactful episode that might just change how you approach your daily habits. Stay sparkly and see you next time! Takeaways Routines can have a significant impact on our daily lives and overall well-being.It is important to personalize routines to align with individual needs and preferences.There is no universal formula for success, and it is essential to find what works for you.Stress can have detrimental effects on health, and reducing cortisol levels is beneficial. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 00:31 The Importance of Routines 01:00 Self-Discovery and Routine Parameters 02:27 The Power of Personalized Routines 03:49 Take What Works for You and Leave the Rest 04:19 The Individuality of Self-Development 05:02 Aligning Routines with Personal Needs 05:25 The Impact of Stress on Health 06:22 Evaluating and Adjusting Your Routine 07:51 Don't Let Others Define Your Routine 08:20 Homework: Reevaluating Your Routines
60. Picky Eater Remedy w/ Dietitian Ann PART 1
60. Picky Eater Remedy w/ Dietitian Ann PART 1
In this 2-part episode, Dietitian Ann Kent and I discuss strategies for dealing with picky eaters. We introduce the Peas and Hoppiness app, which provides meal planning and recipe ideas, emphasize the importance of autonomy in children and allowing them the freedom to change their food preferences, and discuss the concept of safe foods and the biology behind picky eating. We also explore the idea of serving dessert with dinner and removing pressure from mealtime. The conversation concludes with the importance of creating a safe environment at the table. There are various strategies for creating a safe and stress-free mealtime environment that Ann references as a "safe sanctuary" at the dinner table that blew my mind and put it in perspective for me. Another big takeaway for me was the importance of taking the pressure off and allowing children to have autonomy in their food choices. The concept of the division of responsibility is explored, highlighting the role of parents in providing nutritious meals and children in deciding how much to eat. The conversation also touches on the importance of connection and kindness at the table, as well as changing the mindset around mealtime. Additionally, Ann provides tips for incorporating fruit as a dessert option and balancing healthy desserts with sugar intake. This can all be summed up by reiterating the idea that alignment is key with intuitive eating and the convenience of the Peas and Hoppiness app for meal planning. Check out the app as well as her website: and use the code RECLAIM30 for a free month of meal planning with access to 800 recipes, weekly plans, grocery lists, etc! Takeaways Allow children the autonomy to make choices about their food.Encourage children to try new foods and allow them the freedom to change their preferences.Offer safe foods as a backup option for picky eaters.Create a safe and stress-free environment at the table to promote positive eating experiences.Serve dessert with dinner to remove the moral hierarchy around food.Balance nutritious foods with treats to provide a variety of flavors and textures. Create a safe and stress-free mealtime environment by taking the pressure off and allowing children to have autonomy in their food choices.Follow the division of responsibility, where parents provide nutritious meals and children decide how much to eat.Focus on connection and kindness at the table, avoiding judgment or pressure around food.Incorporate fruit as a dessert option and balance healthy desserts with sugar intake.Practice intuitive eating and listen to your body's cues for hunger and fullness. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Peas and Hoppiness App 01:28 The Challenge of Picky Eaters 04:09 Allowing Children the Freedom to Change 06:24 Setting Age-Appropriate Boundaries 07:30 Safe Foods for Picky Eaters 09:24 The Biology of Picky Eating 10:13 Exposure to Foods and Allowing Change 13:26 Creating a Safe Environment at the Table 20:07 Balancing Nutritious Foods and Treats PART 2 - Episode 62 25:14 Removing Pressure from Mealtime 27:25 Creating a Sanctuary at the Table 32:27 Creating a Safe Place of Healing 33:07 Taking the Pressure Off and Allowing Autonomy 34:06 The Division of Responsibility 35:27 Focusing on Connection and Kindness 36:30 Changing the Mindset Around Mealtime 38:14 Addressing Unfairness and Justice at the Table 39:03 Relieving Emotional Pressure and Setting Boundaries 40:06 Cooking for Yourself and Offering Choices 41:35 Talking About Food with Kindness and Respect 42:45 Incorporating Fruit as a Dessert Option 47:46 Balancing Healthy Desserts and Sugar Intake 52:12 The Power of Intuitive Eating and Listening to Your Body 54:40 Meal Planning Made Easy with the Peas and Hoppiness App
58. 3 Lists that will Change Your Life
58. 3 Lists that will Change Your Life
Hey, Sweet Sisters! Welcome back to another episode of Shattered to Unbreakable with your list-loving host, Brandi Babin. Today, we're diving into a world of paper, pen, and life-changing lists – the three lists that literally saved my life. If you're a checklist fanatic like me, this is your golden ticket. Now, let's talk lists. The Reclaim Guidebook is practically a list encyclopedia, and I'm obsessed. It guides you through figuring out your goals, aligning with your habits, lifestyle, and purpose. Because, let's face it, you gotta know yourself, right? Financial Frustration List 📊 First up, the Financial Frustration brain dump. Everything money-related that's been bugging you goes on this list. From "I can't afford dance lessons for my daughter" to "I wish I could get my nails done every three weeks." Write it all down, no judgment. Then, categorize and prioritize. You'll be surprised how achievable your financial goals are when you see them on paper. Tears Tell a Story 📖 Next, we're talking about Tears Tell a Story. Cry at pivotal moments? Pay attention! This list involves jotting down everything that's made you cry in the last year or so. Breakthrough moments, struggles, heartwarming scenes – all of it. Dive into the emotion, find the patterns, and discover what truly matters to you. My tears? They tell tales of validation and empowering moms. When I Was Most Happy 🌈 Last but not least, the When I Was Most Happy list. Think back to your happiest moments. Who were you with? What were you doing? Music, movies, hobbies – spill the details. Then, compare it to now. What's changed? What can you tweak to bring back that joy? Remember, this isn't about avoiding suffering but finding ways to navigate it. Use tools like tapping, meditation, journaling, and even Queen Bathilde's chair (yes, it's a thing – check episode one of season three!). Explore these lists, find your revelations, and Reclaim your life. Head to for an in-depth financial course – it's free and fabulous. Rate this podcast, spread the word, and remember, stay sparkly, sweet sisters! ✨
56. Nervous System Reset - EFT Tapping w/ Bre Wolta
56. Nervous System Reset - EFT Tapping w/ Bre Wolta
Hold onto your hats, folks! I've got Bre Walta in the house with some tips on how to reset your nervous system when you start feeling those Fight or Flight, Freeze or Fawn feelings. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping – the superhero of anxiety, panic or depression! Picture this: Your emotions doing the cha-cha with Bre's meridian system wisdom. Yes, it's a dance party, and everyone's invited! She spills the tea on tapping points that act like little secret passages to calm your nervous system. It's like discovering the cheat codes to your emotions. It's like giving stress a firm handshake and showing it the exit door. And guess who's holding the door open? Tapping, of course! Get ready for a step-by-step guide that's like naming your emotions with a mic drop. Your feelings take center stage, and distressing experiences make a hasty exit. In this episode, Bre takes on my real life situation that happened just last week on tapping's immediate coping power during my time of emotional distress. Get ready for laughs, insights, and a disruption to your anxiety routine – because tapping into freedom has never been this much fun! 🌟✨ Takeaways Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a powerful tool for releasing anxiety and other distressing emotions.The tapping points on the body include the eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbones, under the arms, and top of the head.Tapping can be used to cope with different feelings and sensations, and it can help release trapped anxiety from past experiences.Using your voice while tapping stimulates the vagus nerve and helps bring calm and regulation to the nervous system. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 01:29 The Role of EFT Tapping and Cord Cutting in Healing 04:26 Learning Tapping to Reset Anxiety and Panic 05:23 The Science Behind Tapping and its Effectiveness 08:01 The Body's Response to Stress and the Importance of Tapping 09:00 How Tapping Helps to Regulate the Nervous System10:18The Importance of Completing the Stress Cycle 11:26 The Benefits of Tapping in Calming the Nervous System 12:08 Understanding the Meridian System and Tapping Points 13:37 The Process of Tapping and Naming Emotions 15:24 Introduction to Tapping 16:14 Tapping Points: Eyebrow, Side of the Eye, Under the Eye, Under the Nose 17:57 Reminder Points 18:43 Measuring Intensity 19:31 Adjusting Tapping Points 20:01 Moving Sensations 20:41 Using Tapping for Different Feelings 21:07 Releasing Trapped Anxiety 21:33 Coping in the Moment 22:19 Aligning Actions with Beliefs 22:43 Reclaiming Your Life 23:32 Feeling Prepared and Safe 24:01 Using Tapping for Different Distress 24:30 Accessing All Parts of the Brain 25:03 Tapping for Different Types of Stress 25:43 Feeling Numb and Shut Down 26:13 Finding Calm and Meaning 26:42 Using Your Voice to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve 27:14 Being an Example for Your Kids 27:48 Working on Yourself and Influencing Others 28:13 Self-Care and Alignment 29:10 Stimulating the Vagus Nerve with Humming and Singing 29:39 Showing Kids It's Okay to Feel and Move Through Emotions 30:09 Being an Example of Resilience 30:39 Accessing Higher Self and Higher Meaning 31:04 Conclusion and Contact Information You can find Bre Wolta on Instagram as well as on her website Definitely look into her personal coaching, group containers, and cord cutting ceremony! It's fantastic.
55. True Forgiveness
55. True Forgiveness
Who are we to forgive? And when do we know when it's appropriate, or when it is dangerous? Yes I said dangerous. Let's talk about forgiveness in different contexts and situations while bringing in some bible scripture that might be misunderstood in certain circumstances. This episode is very important for people dealing with an abusive person in their life, because forgiveness means something VERY different when you are dealing with someone who is NOT truly sorry for what they have done to you. Join me for some ideas on meaningful meditation about this topic as well as some controversial ideas around forgiveness for victims of abuse. Takeaways Forgiveness can take on different meanings depending on the situation and the individual's beliefs.Interpreting biblical scriptures on forgiveness requires considering the context and understanding the nuances of translation.Forgiving oneself is crucial for healing and moving forward, especially in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse.Forgiveness in abusive relationships is complex and should be approached with caution, as it can perpetuate further harm. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and the Subject of Forgiveness 00:57 Different Types of Forgiveness 03:18 Forgiveness in Traumatic Experiences and Dealing with Toxic People 04:14 The Importance of Forgiving Yourself 06:39 Recovering from Narcissistic Abuse and Forgiving Yourself 09:06 The Complexity of Forgiveness in Abusive Relationships 10:05 The Intrinsic and Personal Nature of Forgiveness 12:12 Differentiating Forgiveness for Genuine Mistakes and Repeat Offenders 12:40 Conclusion and Invitation for Discussion
54. Co-Parenting Survival Kit w/ guest Vickie Lynn
54. Co-Parenting Survival Kit w/ guest Vickie Lynn
Welcome, listeners, to a powerful episode that's as real as it gets. I'm your host, Brandi Babin, and today, we're diving deep into the incredible journey of resilience and empowerment. I had the privilege of chatting with Vickie Lynn, the force behind @the_survivor_center on Instagram. In this candid conversation, Vickie shares her personal story of breaking free from an abusive marriage and navigating the challenging terrain of co-parenting with a narcissist. But this isn't just another survivor story; it's a tale of transformation and advocacy. Vickie spills the beans on how her own experiences led her to create @the_survivor_center, a beacon of hope and support for those treading a similar path. We'll unravel the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and the nitty-gritty of teaching kids to cope with abuse. Plus, Vickie opens up about her empowering courses, 'Empower Your Kids' and 'Co-Parenting with a Narcissist,' designed to equip you with tools and strategies for navigating these challenging situations. So, buckle up for an emotional yet empowering ride. This is not just a podcast; it's a lifeline for those in need. Stay tuned as we explore the chapters of Vickie's journey, uncovering wisdom, insights, and a hefty dose of encouragement along the way. Takeaways Self-care means setting boundaries and modeling healthy behavior for your children.Teaching kids to cope with abuse is essential for their well-being and future relationships.Documentation is important, but it's crucial to prioritize present-moment parenting and not let the abuse consume your interactions with your children.Vickie offers courses, Empower Your Kids and Co-Parenting with a Narcissist, to provide support and guidance for those dealing with abusive co-parenting situations. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Background 00:49 Story and Inspiration for @the_survivor_center 05:35 The Importance of Self-Care and Boundaries 07:04 Teaching Kids to Cope with Abuse 09:32 Empowering Kids and Modeling Healthy Behavior 13:19 Unconventional Forms of Self-Care 15:13 Dealing with Narcissistic People Beyond Co-Parenting 20:28 Courses Offered: Empower Your Kids and Co-Parenting with a Narcissist 25:56 Final Thoughts and Encouragement Guest Speaker Information Instagram: @the_survivor_center Website: Check her free download A Guide to Empowering Your Kids