53. God Doesn't Laugh

Shattered to Unbreakable: The Reclaim Podcast

22-02-2024 • 9 mins

Here's some real talk about life's unexpected twists in our latest snippet episode. We've all heard the classic "if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan" line, but what if there's more to it? Dive into a fresh perspective that sees God not as a cosmic comedian, but as a caring parent. As a fellow parent, I've realized that I wouldn't mock my kid's dreams, no matter how wild they may seem. Similarly, God isn't chuckling when we face roadblocks; He's gently guiding us towards a better plan, even if it feels like a resounding NO. Explore this heartfelt journey through a mother's eyes and understand that God's not indifferent to our struggles – it hurts Him when we hurt. While I might not believe everything happens for a reason, I'm convinced that our reactions to life's curveballs shape our trajectory. Tune in and discover the profound impact of allowing God into your story.

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