57. Financial Bliss Mythbuster

Shattered to Unbreakable: The Reclaim Podcast

08-03-2024 • 6 mins

In this episode, we touch on the relationship between money and happiness. I'll be sharing the mind-blowing stats I learned in my psychology course that explain the correlation between income levels and happiness.

Basically, additional money does not lead to increased happiness. With the median income in the United States when basic needs are met being $75,000 per year, we explore the negative effects of materialism and the constant desire for more.

This episode will challenge you to reflect on your own happiness and consider whether your needs are truly being fulfilled, or if you are trying to plug a hole with water.


  • Once basic needs are met, additional money does not lead to increased happiness.
  • Materialism can lead to depression, life dissatisfaction, and low self-esteem.
  • Reflecting on emotional needs can help determine if financial cravings are a result of unmet needs.
  • True happiness comes from having basic needs met, not from material possessions.

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