1. The Prescription for a Healthy Workforce is Equal Parts Technical Skills, Cultural Competency, and Lifelong Learning.

Let’s Talk About Skills, Baby

19-01-2022 • 32 mins

To kick off Season 3, Kelly sat down with the amazing Van Ton-Quinlivan to discuss how the healthcare industry is changing and what she believes the future healthcare workforce will need to succeed. Van is the CEO at Futuro Health, the host of Workforce RX podcast, and best-selling author of her newly published book titled “Workforce RX.”

Van believes “at this moment in time, we just need all hands on deck, all parties, whether you're an employer, whether you're an educator, a public policymaker citizen all of us need to have all hands on deck to match workers with the right skills for the right jobs.”

Big Takeaways:

1. The new norm is that we're all constantly needing to upgrade our skills. This means that we have to design "on-ramps" for adults - who don't have the appetite for cumbersome degrees that have a brief shelf life - to skill up.

2. Historically there has been a big gulf between education and employment, but at this moment in time, given the state of the country and even all the updates in public policy, there's a call to bring those two worlds together.

3. Healthcare workers today must have 3 main competencies: clinical skills, technological skills, and cultural competence.


This is a Growth Network Podcasts Production