How Do You Create The BEST Sales Email Campaign?

The Email Marketing Show

29-11-2023 • 31 mins

How do you run the perfect sales email campaign? Should you try and sell in every email you send? When do you send live, broadcast emails and when do you create automated campaigns?

These are only some of the questions we answer for you today.

And we're willing to bet you can't wait to get all the awesome sauce on this.

So let's just get into this, shall we? Let's go!


(0:09) Join our FREE Facebook group.

(3:59) How often should you sell in your emails?

(7:40) When should you send out an email sales campaign?

(12:54) What kind of emails should you include in your sales campaign?

(16:50) What should you talk about in the emails inside your campaigns?

(20:51) What if people unsubscribe from your sales emails?

(23:31) What results should you expect from your sales emails?

(24:33) How to create an 'email engine' of sales campaigns.

(28:59) Join us for a FREE web class!

(29:41) Subject line of the week.

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How often should you sell in your emails?

We have a controversial answer to this question. Because email marketing has a cost – every time you send an email, some people will unsubscribe. You may not be selling directly in an email, but you always have to direct people to something they can buy. Because if you're not doing that, you might be losing people through unsubscribes and not making sales!

But also, if you’re not selling or directing people towards your product, you’re adding more overwhelm and distraction to that person’s world. And no one needs more of that!

What you want to do is to stay in your lane. You have a specialism, so take everybody on your list and on your social media through the beliefs and understandings they need to buy from you. Anything you do and say outside of selling is just more shiny object syndrome. The person is going to get distracted from what you’re talking about, which doesn’t serve you or them.

Remember that the people on your list have made the decision to share their email addresses based on something they saw from you. They know you have a solution, and they're interested. So make sure that in all your emails, you send them information that moves them towards buying.

Email isn't the same as social media!

The big misunderstanding is that every time you send an email you’re bothering someone - they're going to get annoyed. But even if you're selling to people (or moving people towards buying) in every single email you send, you have to remember email isn’t the same as social media. Social media platforms are a great place to teach people, and not traditionally a place where you sell.

Email is different. It's designed for short, useful communication that nudges people in the right direction. It's not the place to be putting long articles or to be referring people to free content all the time. Because people are on your list to solve a problem. And the faster you can help them to get to a solution to that problem, the better.

When should you send out an email sales campaign?

Our daily emails

Let’s talk about the differences between day-to-day email marketing and sales campaigns. Fundamentally, our business is based on the idea that we email our subscribers every day of the year. We send a short email every day with a few hundred words in it. And it’s usually (although not always) some sort of story from day-to-day life with some kind of lesson (like a teaching moment or some inspiration) that segues into an offer. Sometimes we might ask people to go and listen to a podcast episode, for example. But...