What The Heck Are Cross-selling And Upselling?

The Email Marketing Show

06-12-2023 • 34 mins

Ever heard the terms cross-selling and upselling and wondered what they have to do with email marketing? Aren't these 'marketing things' that happen at checkout? Can you even do cross-selling and upselling with email marketing?

Oh yes, you can.

And when you use these strategies in the right way in your business, you'll start making loads more sales.

So let's find out how, shall we?


(0:11) Want a FREE resource to get more clicks on your emails? Check out Click Tricks.

(4:05) What's the difference between cross-selling and upselling?

(7:23) How we do cross-selling and upselling in our business.

(12:33) Sell fast - turn subscribers into customers.

(18:10) Maximise the value of your customers (quickly).

(21:32) The biggest mistakes people make with cross-selling and upselling.

(27:44) Putting together your cross-sell and upsell offers.

(30:47) Create systems to turn customers into repeat customers.

(32:46) Subject line of the week.

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What's the difference between cross-selling and upselling?

When it comes to the difference between cross-selling and upselling, in our business, we use the terms fairly interchangeably. And that probably upsets a lot of people in the marketing world. So here are some definitions for you:

  • Upselling is about selling someone a perceivably larger thing – something more expensive or of higher commitment.
  • Cross-selling means selling people other things that are around the same hierarchy as what they already bought (or maybe even lower value). And this can also mean different offers of the same product.

For example, you could sell a full-price membership but also a lower-rung type product for people who don't want to pay the full price. They pay less but also get less content or value. Fair, right?

How we do cross-selling and upselling in our business

So let’s talk about what cross-selling and upselling look like in our business. When people come into our world, we want to sell them our core product, which is our membership The League. We then upsell our members one of two things.

  • The first product is our Accelerator programme, which is a higher-ticket, a cohort-driven programme with limited capacity we run live a few times a year.
  • The second product is our Agency - limited capacity and much higher ticket price.

But in all honesty, terminology doesn’t matter that much to us. It’s more about maximising how much someone is able to spend with you. So if people are in a transaction, you want to encourage them to upgrade their order and spend more money with you than they’d originally anticipated (in a totally ethical way, of course). That’s an upsell. But if the transaction is complete, and you’re offering this customer other products over time, that’s cross-selling territory.

What we think makes a difference is that we built a business that's sustainably profitable and manageable where we don't have to create new products all the time. We have a good ecosystem whereby people join our email list (either free or paid) and go through a sequence of...