"Looking for a Reason?"

Speak Plainly Podcast

16-02-2024 • 22 mins

. We delve into the subconscious processes that drive this quest not as a deliberate pursuit of unhappiness, but as a manifestation of preexisting emotional struggles. As we navigate the complexities of these emotional mechanisms, I introduce a mantra that encourages a shift from blame to understanding, shedding light on how perceived malice might just be a misunderstanding or a lack of awareness.

The journey continues as we explore the power of taking emotional ownership, emphasizing that our responses to feelings are within our control, shaped by our past and the unique wiring of our nervous system. I share the profound impact of recognizing our patterns of blame and how freeing it can be to instead address our internal conflicts head-on. Join me in embracing this perspective, and together, let's cultivate a community that values self-reflection and the power of compassion over the ease of casting blame.

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Music by Wutaboi

Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com



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