Finding Your Soul Map and Claiming Your Destiny

The Path of Me

26-04-2024 • 54 mins

Timi Gleason is an Executive Coach and Life Path Numerologist. She helps people find language for their characteristics and strengths and creates a Soul Map using metrics and numerology. These tools guided also by her own intuition helps validate who you are and your life purpose. She helps people find their destiny! Often people wanted to just give up, only to find out they were truly living their purpose without realizing it. Society discourages you from being different, but knowing your life purpose and the characteristics you have to live it, is a powerful thing. Timi offers comfort to people because of her numerology experience. It offers concrete information that truly helps people gain clarity around who they are. For many reasons people do not step into their Soul Mission and Soul Power. It could be tradition, culture, religion, so many things discouraging you. People get stuck on everything being black and white, but there's a huge grey area where you can find nuance and truth that aligns with who you are. You don't have to do this alone either, you can find others who support your vision to collaborate with you to make it a reality. Contact Timi here to schedule a session! or Subscribe to my monthly Newsletter or schedule a Quantum Healing Session with me here:

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