The Path of Me

Wendy Hutchinson

Humanity is being pressed to let go of everything that is not aligned and embrace the authentic self. We are creating a new world with our thoughts and actions. Many are finding the truth of who they are and allowing themselves to shine and lead and be in service. This podcast spotlights those who have found their purpose and truth and are leading by example as they serve humanity in so many ways. They have overcome adversity, trauma, poverty, and so much more. They are here to light the way for those who feel lost. This is the focus of my show, to inspire you to be your authentic self. Support this podcast: read less


Artist Candice Alexander
Artist Candice Alexander
Artist Candice Alexander joined me for a great conversation about the evolution of her art this past year. We talked about her victory passing a bill turned into law protecting the elderly against contractor fraud. Her own experience with criminals Bobby Spoonermore and wife Dawn Bertrand and son Hayden Spoonermore in a basic home painting job gone bad alerted her to the problem. She took matters into her own hands to investigate and draft the bill herself! Then we discussed her deep dive into a very vibrant and meaningful series of biblical figures and images which struck the hearts of many of her supporters. She was inspired looking at a stained glass window and the light in a cathedral in Florida and within an hour a priest had commissioned a piece with all the elements she envisioned! Fast forward to this fall where she watched the historic Capital One Tower fall just blocks from her studio. She managed to get her hands on a couple buckets of glass salvaged from that building and embarked on a jewelry making journey. Turns out it had been a childhood dream of hers to design and make jewelry and here the opportunity and timing was just right. So she has gone deep into creating with the glass and semi precious stones, sparking a creative streak just in time for the Red River Revel Festival in Shreveport, Louisiana. Connect with Candice here: Connect with me here: --- Support this podcast:
The Transformational Soul Journey of Healing from Hepatitis C
The Transformational Soul Journey of Healing from Hepatitis C
Brand Designer and Feng Shui expert Patsy Balacchi, Owner of Zenotica, shared her sacred journey of recovery and healing of her mind, body and soul, from Hep C. As a young teen mother she required a blood transfusion giving birth to her oldest son and the blood was tainted. Her healing journey took her through some dark times with depression, processing shame of being an unwed mother, anger and more, but her inner compass guided her to the right mentors, holistic healers, and lifestyle to help her heal. She realized she had no control over some things, but she could bring more harmony within herself. She could control her diet and mindset. She shifted her mindset from looking for perfection to looking for contentment. She attended art school and specialized in graphic design. She was in her happy place reconnecting with her creative spirit and then found the balance of connecting the spiritual essence and nature in Feng Shui design. Harmonizing spaces and energy has been a natural gift she possesses. Her Hep C journey took her through many challenges in life, both physical and emotional, but she found in 2016 a medicine called Harvoni that she was a prime candidate for and it worked! Her body healed but she also required time to process all the emotional trauma around getting Hep C and her journey with it. 2023 was such a pivotal year for her as she experienced so many ups and downs in her personal life and a massive car accident. This was like a huge shadow death, and she felt she did have the opportunity to exit but chose to stay. She went through a huge regenerative spiritual evolution asking questions like "what am I doing" and "who am I?" These deep reflections offered clarity and answers. To contact Patsy or learn more visit her website: FB: FB: LinkedIn: Sign up for my mailing list, read the blog, or work with me here: --- Support this podcast:
Finding Your Soul Map and Claiming Your Destiny
Finding Your Soul Map and Claiming Your Destiny
Timi Gleason is an Executive Coach and Life Path Numerologist. She helps people find language for their characteristics and strengths and creates a Soul Map using metrics and numerology. These tools guided also by her own intuition helps validate who you are and your life purpose. She helps people find their destiny! Often people wanted to just give up, only to find out they were truly living their purpose without realizing it. Society discourages you from being different, but knowing your life purpose and the characteristics you have to live it, is a powerful thing. Timi offers comfort to people because of her numerology experience. It offers concrete information that truly helps people gain clarity around who they are. For many reasons people do not step into their Soul Mission and Soul Power. It could be tradition, culture, religion, so many things discouraging you. People get stuck on everything being black and white, but there's a huge grey area where you can find nuance and truth that aligns with who you are. You don't have to do this alone either, you can find others who support your vision to collaborate with you to make it a reality. Contact Timi here to schedule a session! or Subscribe to my monthly Newsletter or schedule a Quantum Healing Session with me here: --- Support this podcast:
Releasing the Story and Embracing our Authentic Self
Releasing the Story and Embracing our Authentic Self
From birth we are creating a story around who we are, what we need to be for others, and we embody that story throughout our lives. Maybe you were the black sheep, the athlete, the good one, the addict, the dumb or smart one. Family and social messaging reinforces the labels and we take them on as our own. This is a reminder that we are not our story, not remotely close to what others believe us to be. We have subconsciously taken these labels and acted accordingly, losing our true identity, our own core values, and ultimately ourselves. LOSE THE STORY Humanity is being pressed hard to come into their own, and by that I mean stepping into their authentic self. This requires an awareness that the story we have been living and defending and exhausting ourselves with is false. It's a narrative placed on us by our nuclear family, faith, and culture. The reason you may have struggled is because it is so far from who you authentically are, it has been a constant betrayal of your soul to be anything else. It's time to find the courage to drop all the labels. Everything that has defined you to this point has highlighted your flaws and not "enough" fears. Not thin enough, successful enough, strong enough, compassionate enough. All of it is total bullshit. You came in as your beautiful self and it has always been enough. Lose the story and align with what is true for you. What are your true values? How can you become more embodied in your truth when you show up in the world? Do you have to keep up the facade and is it aligned for you? The Ego would say yes, but your Soul would say NO. THE PUSH BACK Expect pushback as you begin to change and grow into your authentic self. I've been called crazy, told I have a mental illness by those who benefited from me playing the "expected role" I was supposed to. Once I stopped bowing and serving there was a lot of gaslighting and hostility, and "concern" over my mental health because I stopped playing the game and stood in my power. What is your story? How are you aligning with your truth or betraying your truth in your life? Are you walking away from the false narratives and expectations? Are you exhausted, burned out resentful? Bring your energy back to you and stand in your power when people turn on you for being you. They aren't your people. COME BACK TO YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF There has been nothing more powerful in my life than claiming myself, living from my heart and remaining in my integrity, always. I know who I am. Know that you are not here to meet other's expectations, despite a lifetime of programming telling you otherwise. Be aware of the part you have been playing in this Human experience. Find ways to reclaim your authentic self. Treat yourself like a best friend. Make time for yourself, do more of things that light you up. Choose you and over time you will one day wake up and your authentic self will be there. He/She has been waiting in the wings your entire life to come forward! May you all find your way! If you need support I wrote a book called "Finding The Path of Me" and you can purchase it here: Need one on one support? Visit my website here: --- Support this podcast:
The Art of Choosing You
The Art of Choosing You
There have been so many pivot points in my life where I had to choose me. It didn't come easily at first, I was literally lower than the dog on the priority list after kids, husband, household, chauffer, cook, work, dogs then me. I put myself there because my programming told me that's where I belonged. REFLECTING BACK I was thinking yesterday of how many times I had to choose myself to get here. To become fully empowered and own and claim my worthiness required so many micro and macro choices, choosing myself and what was best for me over and over without compromising myself. I got SO MUCH push back from everyone around me because I stopped serving them in the way they were used to. I cooked less, I took time for myself, I bought myself flowers. Once I began pouring love into myself and finding my self worth (which is inherent not earned or achieved), it became easier and easier to say no to things that cost me my integrity, my truth, and my alignment with my SOUL! This is a reminder to be brave and courageous as you navigate forward in life. You ARE WORTHY of that trip, of that manicure, of that dozen roses or night out with friends. You are given a choice, don't be afraid to make it. THE PUSHBACK The more practiced you become in choosing you, the bigger the choices become. It's not just about taking yourself out for a coffee with a friend, it becomes questions around everything you are choosing. Is this job toxic, is this relationship toxic, are my friends really true friends? Boundaries naturally follow as you protect your energy and time and nurture yourself. People who benefitted from your service and unyielding commitment to others at your own expense will NOT like it when you stop existing to meet their expectations. Brace for the fall out and stand in your power. THE GIFT I've found that as I choose myself and honor my time and energy, things come together and align for my highest and best. Life comes into a more flow state. It takes time, it takes consistent choosing of what supports me, but I know in the end, even with hard calls and boundaries, I'm better for it. Be bold and brave as you navigate those tight narrow hard spaces and know that the world is waiting for you! Learn more about me here: --- Support this podcast:
Burnout to Healing ~ Learning What Really Matters In Life - Mental Health/Sleep/Joy
Burnout to Healing ~ Learning What Really Matters In Life - Mental Health/Sleep/Joy
Helen Serentt was in a development position for a huge non profit. She raised $50,000,000 (yes million) which changed a lot of lives, but the bar kept being raised. Expectations kept increasing and the mission changed from giving donation access to many, to focusing on the smallest group of uber wealthy top 1% of the 1%. It was demanding, exhausting, and taking a toll on her physical and emotional health. Her motto, "I can sleep when I'm dead" was soon to be her downfall. THE BURNOUT IS REAL While fundraising had it's feel good moments, the pressure brought her to a breaking point. Her physical body was breaking down. Basic tasks were difficult to complete. She was failing at her job. A few years prior she went to the doctor to focus on balancing hormones and her blood pressure was 200/100. Imagine the burnout and health issues 3 years later. She had an inner knowing she needed a sabbatical. Instead of rest and restoring she spent the 1st 3 weeks finishing work projects, the next month resting, and the last having extreme anxiety about returning to work. It was obvious this was a career ending. THE UNWORTHINESS CREEPS IN Not knowing who she was or what she was going to do sparked deep sleep anxiety. No productivity was happening during her sabbatical, a feeling of not enough, unworthiness, but at the same time she was forced to sit with herself, be calm and be with herself. It was basically an existential crisis! THE HEALING 2023 was a healing year, she continued having sleep issues and wanted a podcast with someone reading lists of things to help her fall asleep. It didn't exist, this is how her podcast Sleep Lists was born. It has since moved into a space of providing resources and having a sleep expert on the show once a month. It has been powerful and transformative! This important time offered complete focus on healing, recuperation and convalescence. Sometimes we need to give ourselves the grace of time to find our Soul purpose. SLEEP DEPRIVATION CREATED THE PODCAST SLEEP LISTS Sleep deprivation kept Helen awake at night. Her brain wouldn't turn off despite great tools and sleep hygiene. Helen needed sleep skills because her circadian rhythm was off. Her thoughts spiraled at night. She created Sleep Lists for herself, but also felt she could offer it as a service to other sleep deprived people out there. Listen to the Podcast Here: Connect with Helen here: Follow her on FB: Website: LEARN MORE ABOUT ME: To connect with me, sign up for my newsletter, or purchase my book "Finding the Path of Me" or the SOUL POWER ORACLE DECK visit my website: --- Support this podcast:
Facing Fear and Choosing Your Path at the Crossroads
Facing Fear and Choosing Your Path at the Crossroads
Aloha! Today's video is about facing fear as we approach major life crossroads. There's a collective shift happening and those who have felt a strong call to service are feeling the push/pull of stepping into their power and purpose or remaining the same. CONFRONTING FEAR AND CHANGE An automatic default to change is often fear. Change is uncomfortable because we don't know the how, when, why. There are details that have yet to present and it requires tremendous faith to keep walking in the direction of our dreams without any kind of guarantee. It's also tempting to hold onto our comfort zone even when we have far outgrown our circumstance. Knowing this, it is imperative that you lean into your fear and move forward. This is the reason you incarnated on the planet, this very moment, to step into your purpose and power. THE CROSSROADS The Crossroads is a choosing of YOURSELF and what is aligned FOR YOU. Taking the aligned steps in your life requires incredible faith and courage in yourself. The people who benefit from you remaining the same will make it difficult for you. They may gaslight you, criticize you, make you feel unworthy and small. None of it is true. Those are words spoken from the wounded individual. Those are deep unhealed traumas from their past, not yours. Navigating the crossroads requires you to take the first step, then the next. They say the road will rise to meet you and it does. For me it rises to meet me at every point. It will be what I decide it will be because I command my experience here. ANSWER THE CALL If you are feeling the call to step out of your comfort zone, and it's a deep resonant SOUL knowing, maybe it's time. Make aligned choices for yourself. Map it out in your mind, draw it, dream it, create it! Imagine all the connections you will make when you step fearlessly into your future. Find the people who will support you, let go of the people who do not. May you all step into your lanes at this pivotal time. Make those bold moves, dig deep, love yourselves through! You got this! WORK WITH ME 1:1 if you need support: book here: --- Support this podcast:
Soul Searching and Tapping Into Your Inner Smile (Heart)
Soul Searching and Tapping Into Your Inner Smile (Heart)
Steve Barrett has done a lot of Soul searching in his life. He remembers as early as 3 or 4 years old asking "what happened to God?" He suffered from depression throughout his life that pushed him deeper into seeking. In his 20's Steve moved back to the States from Germany. He had gone through a divorce and despite feeling content, there was a knowing he would move back the U.S. and he honored it. He has always been connected and had a similar knowing about becoming a vegetarian. THE EGO vs SELF LOVE: The Ego is built on discomfort. When you're in your Ego you look at the world through the lens of discontent. He has done so much work around the Ego and read books like Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now" which helped him focus more on presence and awareness. Recently he tapped into a feeling of Self Sustaining Joy. He heard "that's what self love feels like" while he was in this state. He noticed he was finding beauty in the stillness and in simple things. Being the observer used to be Ego driven, kind of pushing things away like they couldn't touch him. It was kind of a cold detachment and almost protective mechanism: Nothing can touch was was the feeling. TAPPING INTO THE INNER SMILE: Steve started tapping into what he called the inner smile. It's a joy inside not caused by or affected by anything. It doesn't need anything, it's just a natural state of being. It just IS. It was connection through the lens of love and joy. He was observing from the Soul Self instead of the Ego. Becoming the observer from this space allowed him to release control. Instead of trying to control an outcome or a person, he could pause and observe and remain silent, or offer something from his heart space. Now he observes with love. HIS WORK AS A HOSPICE NURSE: Steve's work as a Hospice nurse allows him to be very present with the sick and dying. He says a silent prayer before he goes into every room, asking that whatever is appropriate energetically be given to his patients. Even when he has a long list of patients, he takes his time to be with each one. It's incredibly rewarding work. He offers the knowing that we are abundant, the Universe connected to God, the eternal. When you can connect to that inner smile you'll feel a lot release. It was an honor to have him on the show. To join my newsletter or purchase my book: "Finding the Path of Me: Awakening to remembering who you are and why you are here" or my new Soul Power Oracle Card deck, please visit my website: --- Support this podcast:
Navigating Hard Family Dynamics
Navigating Hard Family Dynamics
This weeks topic on "Finding the Path of Me" is Navigating Family situations where your feelings are hurt over and over. I had a situation recently with a family member that was really difficult. It was disrespectful, made me feel diminished and small and honestly was so deeply hurtful. This is a pattern that repeats often, and usually I remain silent, but this time was different. I spoke my truth. Then phoned a friend.She gently suggested it wasn't the situation that hurt so much as my expectation of the other person to be kind and respectful, when perhaps it wasn't possible. That the pain was from my own expectations not being met and then being wounded by that. So I had some hard choices to make. I hope these reflections help you as you navigate hard family dynamics. It's so complicated, so difficult to remain in your heart space and honor yourself and deal with the blow back when you are navigating the situation. To find support on your journey, I wrote a book "Finding the Path of Me" which helps you understand your programs and patterns, ancestral patterns and why you do what you do. It's a guide with journal prompts that helps you move into a more healed and authentic way of being. You can purchase it on my website here: I honor your Soul Journey! #findingyourpurpose #steppingintoyourpower #soulpower #settingboundaries #speakingyourtruth #alignwithyoursoul #alignwithyourpurpose#standinyourpower --- Support this podcast:
The Power of an Ego Death and What Really Matters in Life
The Power of an Ego Death and What Really Matters in Life
Ivo Nelson was an incredibly successful business man. He made more money than he could spend in this lifetime and had it all: the cars, the homes, the income and power of a business executive. He took Healthlink through a massive purchase by IBM, and worked for them for awhile, then participated in more than 9 start ups as an investor, advisor, and CEO and sat on more than 20 Boards. He developed a love based corporate culture which allowed his companies to thrive and produced more CEO's from those companies than any other company. Despite his incredible success and all the material things you can dream of, it all came crashing down after a business trip. One Friday he walked in from a business trip to a brand new custom designed home. He put his bag down and looked around at the perfection of it all and realized he lost everything that mattered to him. His wife, his kids, his family were all collateral damage of a highly successful career. Ivo cried more tears than he knew he held inside. So much so he had to drive around with a towel to wipe away the tears. It was at this pivotal moment, he knew without a doubt he had to win his wife back. Listen to this incredible story about an Ego death and rebirth into an open hearted love based focus on living and how he has lived his life using Meditation as a daily tool and connecting energetically to create his intentions every morning before he starts his day. You can contact Ivo here: Email: Website: FB: LinkedIn: Learn more about my work as a Soul Healer and Ascension Guide, join my monthly newsletter, or learn more about my book "Finding the Path of Me" Here: --- Support this podcast:
Fear of Moving Into the Unknown ~ Do it Anyway
Fear of Moving Into the Unknown ~ Do it Anyway
Answering that internal call to purpose feels uncomfortable. The inner stirring to do something different can involve changing relationships, letting people go, a passion project, or birthing something completely new, a new direction to move in. If you are asking questions like, what will they think? What if I'm not loved? How do I live my truth with courage and with fear? The inner work has begun. We all have those fears. Do it anyway. Being true to you is the biggest power move you can make and living from your Soul truth is necessary at this time! Stepping into your Soul purpose can be terrifying. It's hard to change direction and pivot into the unknown. It's important to step into the role you are here to play. You incarnated at this time to step in and help Humanity create a new world. Support the New Earth with your gifts and talents to play your role here. Is Fear holding you back? You chose this incarnation exactly at this time to serve humanity moving forward. You have already laid that path prior to your Human Incarnation. Your work and what you create will be so unique to you. Do not be discouraged by the people around you doing amazing things. Do it anyway! Take the step and do it with discomfort. We always learn and grow through the process. Detach from the outcome. It's never a loss if things don't work out the way you intended. We are gifted so many lessons as we go forward. Stand in your light. So many of us have been unseen, unsupported and even shamed for being different. Many of us have been afraid to come forward with our truth because of social and family pressure to remain quiet. It was also unsafe to be vocal about our intuitive gifts and connections in the past (past lives) and our Cosmic work. It is safe now to come forward, find your people, the ones who believe in you and support you. It's time! Do you need support on this journey? Schedule your 1:1 session with me here: --- Support this podcast:
Fear and Control Patterns; Why We Have them and How to Break Them
Fear and Control Patterns; Why We Have them and How to Break Them
Most people are responding to life from a deep unconscious fear of not being enough. It's something planted deep in our psyche from childhood as we are "programmed" by our religions, our culture, our social circle and the need to belong. This innate desire to get approval and belong begins a lifelong pattern of filtering ourselves down to get approval and recognition and love from our families and friends and society in general. Then begins the long dance of control behaviors to be seen, approved, and included. An example is raising children to be "successful". We do all the things to "control" and "ensure" our kids have "the best" life. It looks like travel sports, academic excellence pressure, and all the things from the outside that make us look successful as a family and reflects well on us as parents. There are so many ways we are unconsciously choosing things because society tells us to. The thought and fear of not belonging is so emotionally painful. This is why, when people do not align with our personal agenda, we suffer. We literally feel emotional suffering when people (kids, family members, spouses, friends, and outcomes) don't meet our expectations. To avoid this we literally try to control everything in the name of doing what's best for them, when in reality it's doing what's best for YOU, because the emotional discomfort of that fear program is too much to handle. So we push people, we exhaust ourselves trying to be and do and thrive, and put on that happy face. Slowly the reserves draw down and here you are completely empty inside and burned out and resentful. Are you a perfectionist? Are you driving yourself to excellence always? If yes, this comes from the need to belong and feel loved. This video provides some helpful tools to help you break the program. To go deeper schedule a 1:1 appointment here: --- Support this podcast: