Fear of Moving Into the Unknown ~ Do it Anyway

The Path of Me

16-01-2024 • 7 mins

Answering that internal call to purpose feels uncomfortable. The inner stirring to do something different can involve changing relationships, letting people go, a passion project, or birthing something completely new, a new direction to move in.

If you are asking questions like, what will they think? What if I'm not loved? How do I live my truth with courage and with fear? The inner work has begun. We all have those fears. Do it anyway. Being true to you is the biggest power move you can make and living from your Soul truth is necessary at this time!

Stepping into your Soul purpose can be terrifying. It's hard to change direction and pivot into the unknown. It's important to step into the role you are here to play. You incarnated at this time to step in and help Humanity create a new world. Support the New Earth with your gifts and talents to play your role here. Is Fear holding you back? You chose this incarnation exactly at this time to serve humanity moving forward.

You have already laid that path prior to your Human Incarnation. Your work and what you create will be so unique to you. Do not be discouraged by the people around you doing amazing things. Do it anyway! Take the step and do it with discomfort.

We always learn and grow through the process. Detach from the outcome. It's never a loss if things don't work out the way you intended. We are gifted so many lessons as we go forward.

Stand in your light. So many of us have been unseen, unsupported and even shamed for being different. Many of us have been afraid to come forward with our truth because of social and family pressure to remain quiet.

It was also unsafe to be vocal about our intuitive gifts and connections in the past (past lives) and our Cosmic work. It is safe now to come forward, find your people, the ones who believe in you and support you. It's time!

Do you need support on this journey? Schedule your 1:1 session with me here:


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