Accept the Past, Keep Your Heart Open, and Create Your Future

The Path of Me

22-02-2024 • 6 mins

Aloha, Today I'm talking about taking our energy back from the constant loop we run in our heads about the past. So often we revisit old conversations or incidents from our past that we just can't let go of. It's emotional, hurtful, and energetically brings us down. ACCEPTANCE: In every moment we can choose to bring our energy back in and focus on what we want to create in our lives. It's time to accept - I'm not saying forgive, I'm saying accept what happened. Take the energy and bring it to this now moment. The NOW is the inception point for your future. When you bring the energy back in, you can use it to create the life you wish to live. HEART OPEN: Heart open means instead of the armor covering your heart, instead of nursing the wound and allowing it to hold you hostage, OPEN your heart. Offer yourself the gift of higher perspective. What was the lesson, who have you become? Do you like who you've become as a result of this, or have you allowed yourself to turn bitter and resentful your entire life? That shit seeps into every area of your life energetically and poisons it. Work with me 1:1 schedule your session here:

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