Find Your Passion and Your Purpose as a Writer with Maya Angelou

Reed, Write, and Create

09-10-2023 • 23 mins

On episode 18 of the podcast, I’m sharing a lively pep-talk using the life and times of the incredible Dr. Maya Angelou to inspire you to tap into your purpose and passions as BIPOC writers.

One little programming note, make sure you stick around all the way to the end of the episode because I’m launching a new segment of the show called, Read Like a Writer, where I will be sharing a  book recommendation for a book that is delightful to read and will help you improve your craft.

The topics we cover in this Maya Angelou inspired pep talk include:

  • Why writers have to live life and embrace new opportunities.
  • How to launch your writing career by starting with what you love.
  • The sacrifice and struggle required if you want to be a writer.
  • How writers can heal the world with their words and why BIPOC writers especially have an obligation to do so.
  • Why Maya Angelou never used the words “writer’s block.”

Read Like a Writer Selection: The Man Who Could Move Clouds by Ingrid Rojas Contreras. You can purchase a copy at the Read, Write and Create online bookshop and support this podcast, Ingrid, and independent booksellers across the United States.

Thank you for listening to this award-winning podcast. If you are looking for more resources, recommendations and inspiration to help you optimize your writing life, please visit While you’re there, be sure to sign up for the RWC newsletter because I send out a monthly list of opportunities for BIPOC writers that include jobs, open submissions, residencies, grants, and fellowships.

Find out what amazing award the Read, Write, and Create podcast won in September.

We also now have a dedicated Instagram account @ReadWriteandCre8. Be sure to follow that account because it's where all things Read, Write and Create will be announced.

Please don’t forget to leave a rating and/or a review for the show on Apple podcasts or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.

I'll see you in two weeks on Monday. Keep writing!