020 How to Design a Business Around Your Lifestyle

Design A Business You Love - Work Anywhere Strategies for Artists, Authors, & Entrepreneurs

19-10-2023 • 15 mins

Podcast Episode Title: 020 Designing a Business Around Your Lifestyle

In Episode 20 of "Design a Business You Love," we embark on a journey to harmonize your creative aspirations with the demands of your busy lifestyle. Discover how to mold a business that seamlessly integrates with your artistic vision. Host, Kimberly Design Love, explores the essential steps to turn your creative dreams into a thriving reality.

Key Takeaways:

1. Finding Your Creative Calling     - Delve into your passions and envision the impact you want to make through your art. Shape a business that aligns with your artistic journey.

2. An Artist's Journey: Discovering Her Creative Calling    - Meet Lydia, a closet artist who found her calling amidst the demands of her accounting career. Learn how a chance encounter with an art fair sparked a transformation.

3. Crafting Your Creative Idea    - Translate your creative vision into a unique business idea that resonates with your desired lifestyle.

4.  Research AKA Study & Survey    - Dive into the importance of understanding your audience's preferences and needs. Learn how Lydia tailors her artwork based on their audience's feedback.

5. Designing a Roadmap: Lydia's Business Plans:    - how Lydia outlines their business plans, sets clear goals, identifies target audiences, and strategizes for financial and marketing aspects.

6. Automation Systems    - Transition from being a sole creator to a visionary curator. Streamline routine tasks, and create efficient systems

7 Action Steps for You