Design A Business You Love - Work Anywhere Strategies for Artists, Authors, & Entrepreneurs

Kimberly Design Love

Kimberly ”Design” Love shares how you can Design a Business You Love. Here we empower artists, authors, and entrepreneurs to create a thriving business with a flexible and fulfilling lifestyle. Join us as we explore work anywhere strategies, finding purpose, unleashing creativity, embracing a lifestyle business, embarking on digital nomad adventures, and discovering effective business planning tools. Get ready to design the business and lifestyle of your dreams. Welcome to the podcast where entrepreneurship and adventure meet! read less


025 Lost Dreams & Goal Setting
025 Lost Dreams & Goal Setting
Title: Lost Dreams & Goal Setting Host: Kimberly Design Love Key Takeaways: 1. Reflection on Dreams: Sometimes, we forget our dreams amidst the demands of daily life. Taking moments to reflect and reassess can unveil forgotten aspirations. 2. Walking as a Catalyst: The act of walking, as experienced by the host, can serve as a catalyst for memory and introspection. Simple activities like walking can spark profound revelations. 3. Living the Present Dream: Amidst the reflections, the host discovered that her dream of living near the beach, once considered a distant retirement plan, became a reality due to unforeseen circumstances and a shift in mindset. 4. Persistence Pays Off: Goals, especially dream goals, may take time to materialize. Persistence, a shift in perspective, and adapting to changing circumstances can pave the way to achieving seemingly distant dreams. 5. The Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting Planner: Kimberly introduced a new project close to her heart. This planner is designed to help you navigate the steps toward achieving your dream goals. 6. Feedback and Connection: Kimberly encourages listeners to share their thoughts, correct any mistakes, or seek further insights on goal-setting through a dedicated reply button, fostering a sense of community and connection. 7. Appreciating the Journey: The episode concludes with a reminder to appreciate the journey. Celebrating achieved dreams and acknowledging the ongoing, beautiful work of art that is one's life encourages a positive and grateful mindset.   🚀 **Resources:** 🎯 Get started with your goal-setting journey today with "The Dreamer's Guide to Goal Setting." navigating the often-overcomplicated process.
020 How to Design a Business Around Your Lifestyle
020 How to Design a Business Around Your Lifestyle
Podcast Episode Title: 020 Designing a Business Around Your Lifestyle In Episode 20 of "Design a Business You Love," we embark on a journey to harmonize your creative aspirations with the demands of your busy lifestyle. Discover how to mold a business that seamlessly integrates with your artistic vision. Host, Kimberly Design Love, explores the essential steps to turn your creative dreams into a thriving reality. Key Takeaways: 1. Finding Your Creative Calling     - Delve into your passions and envision the impact you want to make through your art. Shape a business that aligns with your artistic journey.  2. An Artist's Journey: Discovering Her Creative Calling    - Meet Lydia, a closet artist who found her calling amidst the demands of her accounting career. Learn how a chance encounter with an art fair sparked a transformation. 3. Crafting Your Creative Idea    - Translate your creative vision into a unique business idea that resonates with your desired lifestyle.  4.  Research AKA Study & Survey    - Dive into the importance of understanding your audience's preferences and needs. Learn how Lydia tailors her artwork based on their audience's feedback.  5. Designing a Roadmap: Lydia's Business Plans:    - how Lydia outlines their business plans, sets clear goals, identifies target audiences, and strategizes for financial and marketing aspects.   6. Automation Systems    - Transition from being a sole creator to a visionary curator. Streamline routine tasks, and create efficient systems     7 Action Steps for You
019 Walking Your Way to Creativity - Lessons From Margaritaville
019 Walking Your Way to Creativity - Lessons From Margaritaville
Episode 19 Going on a Walkabout - Lessons From Margaritaville In Episode 19 of Design a Business You Love Podcast, we take a leisurely stroll into the world of creativity, drawing inspiration from ancient traditions and modern wisdom. Host, Kimberly Design Love introduces the concept of a 'walkabout' and explores how it aligns with the creative process. Key Takeaways: 1. **Walking as a Creative Catalyst:** Learn how the simple act of walking can clear the mind, stimulate the senses, and provide a fresh perspective, reigniting your creative energy. 2. **Tales from Margaritaville:** Delve into an excerpt from Jimmy Buffett's "Tales from Margaritaville," where he reflects on the Aboriginal concept of a walkabout and how it relates to his own creative journey. 3. **Julia Cameron's The Artist Way:** Discover the fundamental tools for creatives shared by renowned author Julia Cameron, including journaling, artist's dates and the transformative power of walking. 4. **Practical Steps for Creative Walking:** Dive into actionable steps to maximize the creative potential of your walks, from embracing nature's palette to capturing inspired insights along the way. Conclusion: Embrace the power of walking as a key tool in your creative arsenal. By incorporating this simple practice into your routine, you can unlock new dimensions of imagination and enhance your creative journey. Resources: Tales From Margaritaville: Short Stories from Jimmy Buffett  The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Creativity by Julia Cameron
017 Lessons From Margaritaville - The Power of Collaboration - Part 4
017 Lessons From Margaritaville - The Power of Collaboration - Part 4
Lessons from Margaritaville - The Power of Collaboration 🎶🤝 Description: Dive into the vibrant world of collaboration in our latest episode, "Lessons from Margaritaville - The Power of Collaboration." Drawing inspiration from the legendary Jimmy Buffett, we explore how he harnessed the strength of creative partnerships to elevate his music and business ventures. Jimmy Buffett's journey is a testament to the magic that happens when artists, authors, and entrepreneurs come together. After clinching the 2003 Vocal Event of the Year award at the Country Music Awards with Alan Jackson, Jimmy invited fellow artists to Florida for a musical rendezvous. This moment marked the birth of 'License to Chill,' an album that stands as a shining example of the power of collaboration. Join us as we unravel the stories behind the harmonies and melodies that emerged from this collaborative effort. Artists like Kenny Chesney, Martina McBride, Clint Black, and Toby Keith lent their voices, creating a symphony of creativity that resonates with fans to this day. In this episode, we'll also explore how you can leverage the strength of collaboration in your own creative endeavors. From finding the right partners to aligning your visions, there's a wealth of insight waiting for you. Whether you're an author seeking to co-write a novel, an artist looking to collaborate on a project, or an entrepreneur seeking to join forces for a business venture, this episode has something for everyone. Discover how the spirit of collaboration can amplify your creative voice and take your projects to new heights. Let Jimmy Buffett's story inspire you to seek out meaningful partnerships and unlock the full potential of your creative pursuits. Tune in now to "Lessons from Margaritaville - The Power of Collaboration," and embark on a journey of musical synergy that transcends boundaries and leaves a lasting impact. Don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences with us. We'd love to hear how collaboration has played a role in your creative journey! Here's to the magic of collaboration and the extraordinary possibilities it brings! Free Gift - Discover Your Passion - Discover Your Purpose
008 Smart Goals VS Dream Goals
008 Smart Goals VS Dream Goals
Design a Business You Love - Work Anywhere Strategies for Artists, Authors, & Entrepreneurs 008 - Smart Goals vs Dream Goals with your host Kimberly Design Love This Episode has a Free Companion Guide called the Dream Zone which is available at Welcome to the latest episode of "Design a Business You Love," where we embark on a journey of discovery in the world of goal setting for entrepreneurs. This episode delves into the fascinating debate of Smart Goals vs. Dream Goals. As entrepreneurs, we've often been told that goals should be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. But what if there's a more daring and transformative approach to achieving success? Join us as we challenge the traditional notions of goal setting and venture into the realm of Dream Goals. We'll explore how Dream Goals empower us to dream bigger, reach for the stars, and unlock the full potential of our businesses. Discover why Smart Goals may work for some departments but fall short for the creative minds behind marketing and artistic expression. Learn from real-world experiences how to stretch your goals into Dream Goals—can lead to extraordinary achievements and redefine what's possible in your entrepreneurial journey. If you're seeking to infuse your business with passion, purpose, and unbridled ambition, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in as we guide you through envisioning your wildest dreams, setting daring goals, and taking action toward a business that fulfills your deepest desires. Unleash the power of Goals and Dreams in your business startup and design a life that aligns with your truest values. Whether you're an artist, author, or visionary entrepreneur, this episode will inspire you to create a business you love—one that sets your soul on fire and makes a meaningful impact in the world. Don't settle for the ordinary. Dare to dream big and set sail on this transformative journey of Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs. Tune in now and design the extraordinary business you've always envisioned! This Episode has a Free Companion Guide called the Dream Zone which is available at