Nanco Vrijland: Persoonlijk leiderschap in crisistijd [recorded in Dutch]

Meeting Strategist - Conversations on Leadership & Communication

08-04-2020 • 45 mins

Nanco Vrijland talks about personal leadership and the power of generosity in times of crisis. Nanco is an executive coach and the founder of Coachcenter in The Hague - a special place for me because this is where I received my training as a professional coach.

In this episode, Nanco shares tips on how to deal with uncertainty and live a more examined life. He also reflects on what the world of leadership could look like when we eventually go back to work.

This conversation was recorded in Dutch. I will soon release a short episode in English to share what I learned from this deeply personal conversation.

To learn more about Nanco's work, check out the links in the show notes: