Cesar Hasselmann on the Importance of Recharging to Bring Our Best to All of Our Relationships

The Liberated Life - Set Yourself Free in Business and Pleasure

22-10-2022 • 32 mins

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About Cesar

Cesar Hasselmann is an author, mentor, coach, consultant, and a founder of AMH Consultancy, which is helping small to medium business owners achieve the same success he had cornering several industries and building a company with 120 employees from the ground up, working with multi-international companies big brands. His book “Life Break Through” is a book for those who want more success, inner peace, and both emotional and financial stability, and allows you to interpret the wisdom as it applies to your own journey.

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Show Notes

1. It's critical to do our best to maintain our balance during unsettling times. One way to help ourselves is to watch what we allow into our lives (such as movies, media, and conversations).
2. Each of us has natural cycles. These cycles happen in all areas of our lives including our business & personal life.

3. It's very important to recharge yourself so you can give to your family, clients, and relationships. Recharging is doing what feels good to you like dancing, sleeping, walking, reading, exercising, etc...

4. If we don't recharge, we eventually run out of juice. We become less effective.

5. When we are able to sync our business cycle with our personal cycle, we have more to give our clients.
6. It's good, and important to take breaks. Not only do we need breaks, but other people need breaks from us!