#354 The Time I Got Fired: Lessons in Integrity and Boundaries

The Nope Coach

17-04-2024 • 13 mins

Suzanne shares personal experiences and insights drawn from being fired due to questionable practices and conflicts of interest at her previous job.

Suzanne reflects on the importance of maintaining integrity, setting boundaries, and the concept of 'maintain or pain' in personal and professional life.

She discusses how this event, though initially seen as a failure, became a catalyst for positive change and self-growth.

Suzanne emphasises the value of saying 'no' to misaligned work, the power of being unapologetically oneself, and the lessons learned in terms of client relationships, business practices, and the significance of aligning work with personal ethics.

The episode encourages listeners to reflect on their own experiences with failure and the potential for growth and transformation that can emerge from challenging times.

In this episode Suzanne talks about:

  • The Story of Getting Fired: Questionable Practices and Lack of Boundaries
  • The Transformation: From Victim to Unapologetically Me
  • Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in Business and Personal Growth
  • The Power of Saying No: Learning to Set Boundaries
  • Embracing Change and Finding Alignment in Work and Life
  • The Journey to Self-Discovery and Authenticity

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The Nope coach Suzanne Culberg teaches you how to put yourself first without feeling selfish, by setting healthy boundaries and reclaiming the unapologetic badass you long to be.

Find out more: https://www.suzanneculberg.com

Get in touch with Suzanne here: https://www.suzanneculberg.com/contact (in typical Suze style this is NOT your usual contact page!)