#381 Nervous About Podcast Guesting? Tips and Tricks to Get Started

The Nope Coach

08-07-2024 • 19 mins

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Success in Business Roundtable talk – https://youtu.be/Xo-9fevS-3g?si=xpUVYRAfGg9KEPpK&t=1412

Ultimate Podcast Guesting with Mai-kee Tsang - https://mai-kee-tsang-99c1.mykajabi.com/a/2147530370/uyMvo4Bz

Spotify Playlist of Podcasts I’ve been interviewed on - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27lIm4BSZhC75OFHUP67VB?si=480e8bb769814765

Podcast Guest Facebook Group I recommend - https://www.facebook.com/groups/234007497618342

In this episode, Suzanne delves into the importance and benefits of podcast guesting, especially for business growth. Drawing from her experience Suzanne shares insights on how podcast guesting has significantly impacted her business and offers practical advice for those eager to get started.

She highlights the advantages of being a guest, such as networking, refining your message, and reaching new audiences. Suzanne also recommends a workshop by Mai-kee Tsang for honing your podcast pitch and navigating the guesting process. Tune in for expert tips and personal anecdotes to kickstart your journey in podcast guesting.

In this episode Suzanne talks about:

  • Reflecting on Early Business Challenges
  • The Power of Podcast Guesting
  • Benefits of Podcast Guesting for Business
  • Practical Tips for Podcast Guesting
  • Pitching to Podcasts Effectively

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The Nope coach Suzanne Culberg teaches you how to put yourself first without feeling selfish, by setting healthy boundaries and reclaiming the unapologetic badass you long to be.

Find out more: https://www.suzanneculberg.com

Get in touch with Suzanne here: https://www.suzanneculberg.com/contact (in typical Suze style this is NOT your usual contact page!)