Ep236 Part 2 of 3 What Substance Is Best And When

The Psychedelic Coach Podcast

17-07-2023 • 30 mins

In part 2 of the episode, Kole Whitty discusses various aspects of working with psychedelics on The Psychedelic Coach Podcast. Here are the key points covered in this section:

  1. Substances and Testing: Kole shares her preference for working with MDMA and MDA, emphasizing the importance of obtaining pure substances from reliable sources. She recommends using testing kits to ensure the quality and purity of the substances before consumption.

  2. Understanding Personal Reactions: Kole highlights the significance of individual reactions to substances, using an example of her own experience with MDMA that led to a negative outcome for others who consumed the same batch. She cautions against assuming that a substance will have the same effect on everyone and suggests being mindful of personal histories and potential post-experience effects.

  3. Opening the Heart: While MDMA is often used to open the heart and facilitate emotional experiences, Kole acknowledges that powerful serotonin-releasing substances may not be suitable for individuals with a history of depression or anxiety. Such experiences can potentially lead to post-experience symptoms resembling PTSD, triggering fears of depression recurrence.

  4. Considering Post-Experience Effects: Kole emphasizes the importance of considering the overall journey, including the days following the experience. She highlights that some individuals may experience negative effects after a few days, such as feeling sick or experiencing a hangover-like state. Kole suggests exploring alternative methods like breathwork, meditation, or journaling to access the heart space.

  5. Journaling and Self-Reflection: Kole encourages individuals to journal and reflect on their experiences, paying attention to their general state of being, such as headaches, exhaustion, or low mood. She advises discerning between depression and low energy and not immediately attaching oneself to a depressive identity based on temporary post-experience symptoms.

  6. Personalized Approach: Kole shares her rule of thumb regarding substances, suggesting that if a substance does not resonate after three attempts and consistently leads to negative experiences, it may not be the right fit for that individual. She mentions her personal experience with marijuana, which was initially beneficial but eventually became unsuitable despite various attempts to make it work.

  7. Gradual Exploration: Kole recommends a gradual exploration of substances, especially for those new to psychedelics. She suggests starting with low doses, setting intentions, and creating a safe container for the experience. Gradually increasing the dosage over time allows for a better understanding of personal reactions and preferences.

  8. Understanding Effects and Dosages: Kole explains that different substances have distinct effects, and dosage requirements vary from person to person. She mentions that psilocybin mushrooms are known for enhancing creativity, LSD for directness and productivity, and San Pedro or Huachuma for clarity and spaciousness. She emphasizes the importance of starting with sub-perceptual or microdoses and gradually increasing dosage based on individual responses.

  9. Navigating Experience and Depth Perception: Kole cautions against overly intense experiences for individuals who may not be physically connected to their bodies or lack experience in natural environments like woods. She stresses the significance of considering depth perception changes and adapting the dosage accordingly. Kole shares a personal experience of breaking her leg during a journey due to altered depth perception.

  10. Learning and Service: Kole encourages individuals to learn by observing experienced facilitators and participating in group sessions. She suggests offering service and support to facilitators, even if it means being present without taking substances. Being of service helps in understanding the experience, holding space for others, and deepening personal knowledge.

  11. Sustainable Sourcing: Kole discusses the importance of sustainable sourcing when working with plant medicines. She expresses concerns about the potential endangerment and extinction of certain species like the Sonoran Desert Frog due to current usage levels. Kole highlights the benefits of mushrooms and San Pedro, which can be grown sustainably and do not harm the environment.

  12. Focusing on Intentions and Actualizing Goals: Kole explains her approach of focusing on what individuals want to create and identifying obstacles that may be preventing them from achieving their goals. She highlights the significance of addressing underlying issues and patterns that might hinder personal growth.

  13. Moving Away from Fixing and Shame: Kole emphasizes the need to move away from the mindset of fixing oneself and instead focus on desired outcomes and personal aspirations. She differentiates between understanding the roots of behaviors or challenges and finding ways to create change in alignment with personal goals.

  14. Surrender and Breathwork: Kole highlights the importance of surrendering and allowing the experience to unfold gradually. She recommends practicing breathwork and other relaxation techniques to deepen the journey and help individuals relax into the experience. Surrendering a little bit at a time and gradually increasing the level of engagement allows for a more profound learning experience.

  15. Acknowledging the Unknown: Kole reminds listeners that there is much she still doesn't know about psychedelics and encourages an open mindset. She suggests having ongoing dialogues and conversations to deepen understanding and share insights as experiences arise.

  16. Considering What Changes: Kole advises reflecting on what will change after an experience or realization. She suggests exploring the practical implications of insights gained during the journey and considering lifestyle adjustments, such as changes in diet, environment, or stressors, to ensure lasting transformation.

  17. Avoiding Expectations and Attachment: Kole cautions against creating expectations before a psychedelic experience, as this can lead to disappointment. She encourages individuals to stay present, focus on the breath, and avoid clinging to thoughts or trying to find meaning in every moment. By staying open and not grasping, individuals can navigate the journey with more ease.

  18. The Role of Guides and Teachers: Kole emphasizes the value of experienced guides and teachers in psychedelic journeys. She shares her own experiences of working with mentors and facilitators who have extensive experience and how observing their methods and approaches can enhance personal understanding and growth.

In this section, Kole provides valuable insights into responsible psychedelic use, individual variations in responses, and the importance of intention, post-experience integration, and sustainable practices.
