Ep262 Are You Willing to Pay the Cost? Safety In Psychedelics

The Psychedelic Coach Podcast

28-02-2024 • 38 mins

This episode of the 'Psychedelic Coach' podcast dives deep into the importance of safety and the concept of integration in relation to psychedelic experiences.
Safety is emphasized as not just a concept but as a fundamental cornerstone in the field of psychedelic therapy. It includes discussions around the definition of violence, its role in disrupting wholeness, and how it relates to the concept of 'safety'. The host also elaborates on trauma, considering it a creative response to violence and disruptions to wholeness.
The Four IN's process is introduced, which comprises Intake, Intention, In Space, and Integration - a form of a consistent and intentional integration that is always happening but is often overlooked. The episode emphasizes that while everyone integrates, how this is done is optional. The podcast ultimately links these ideas back to psychedelics and how they can disintegrate old habits, allowing for new, intentional integration.
00:01 Introduction to the Psychedelic Coach Podcast
00:09 The Importance of Safety in Psychedelic Experiences
01:17 Understanding the Concept of Safety
02:09 The Impact of Safety on Healing
02:18 Defining Safety in the Context of The Condor Approach
03:01 Understanding the Difference Between Hurt and Harm
03:24 Introducing the 7 Attributes of Violence
03:52 Understanding Violence and Its Impact
07:34 Exploring the Concept of Trauma
10:21 The Role of Grief in Trauma
14:04 Understanding the Difference Between Safety and Security
15:29 Exploring the Concept of Vulnerability
18:27 Introducing the Three P's Concept
18:52 The Power of Pause: A Condor's Eye View
19:50 The Three Ps: Pause, Pull Back, Physical Scan
20:54 The Art of Full Body Scan
21:28 Audience Interaction and Feedback
22:34 The Evolution of the Condor Approach
23:07 The Four Ns for Integration
26:38 The Integration Wave: A Visual Representation
32:54 The Role of Psychedelics in Disintegration and Integration
34:32 The Cost of New Things: Letting Go of the Old

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