Ep240 Weightloss, Rehab, And Integrating It All with Providencia Lopez And Shelly McLeod

The Psychedelic Coach Podcast

30-08-2023 • 41 mins

Host: Providencia Lopez
Guest: Shelley McLeod
Duration: 1 hr
Published Date: 8/30.23
Platform: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts


In today's transformative episode, host Providencia Lopez sits down with special guest Shelley McLead to discuss their live experience with The Condor Approach. From life-changing cold plunges to the power of "softness," they dive deep into what makes The Condor Approach so impactful. If you're in search of authentic transformation and wonder how to integrate the old with the new, this is the episode you can't afford to miss.

Key Points Discussed:

  1. Cold Plunge Experience: CryoSpring

    • Physical and emotional benefits
    • Logic ceilings and personal growth
    • Varying experiences with different tubs
  2. Finding "Softness":

    • The shift from hardness to softness
    • How surrender can actually be empowering
  3. Bariatric Surgery & Addiction:

    • Shelley's personal story
    • The reality of addiction post-surgery
  4. Intuitive Consumption:

    • Finding balance before reaching the point of addiction
    • Special mention: Brandi Lee's work
  5. The Power of The Condor Approach:

    • Various modalities of healing
    • Integration and transformation

Memorable Quotes:

  • "I bridged the gap between surrender and softness." - Shelley
  • "Enough is enough. I don't need to go to this bar." - Providencia
  • "You are still worthy of unconditional love with yourself." - Shelley

Calls to Action:

  1. Are you ready to go deeper into your transformation journey? Check out The Condor Approach on Instagram
  2. If you have been through bariatric surgery or struggle with addiction, contact Shelley McLeod for a specialized coaching experience.
  3. Share your own transformative stories with us. Your story will empower someone else.


A riveting conversation full of soul-searching and life-changing realizations. Stay tuned for more transformative episodes that lead you to embrace both your light and shadow sides, all under the wing of The Condor Approach. Until then, journey well and stay curious!