006: Of Faith, the Fathers, and Following Christ - Interview with Author LUKE WILSON

This Now

29-04-2022 • 28 mins

Hi folks! I'm very happy to introduce to you my first interview guest, Luke Wilson.

We talk disciples of the Apostle John, doctrines, and Dan Brown - and possibly get a little controversial in places.

I've always found Luke's blog, 'That Ancient Faith', very helpful and thought-provoking. Luke has a way of taking fairly complex theological ideas, unpacking them, and making them easy to get our heads around, and I do recommend reading him.

For those of us who are Christians, our faith is obviously central to helping us make the most of the seasons of our lives, and I hope Luke's work will help other people as it's helped me.

Hope you enjoy this episode, and finding out more about Luke and his work!

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Here are the links I promise you in the podcast:

Luke's book 40 Days with the Fathers.

And here's a review of it.

Excerpt from review:
"Luke writes his book… in a way that is very conversational, so that the average Christian can read it and get things out of it. I would encourage my 13 year old daughter to read '40 Days with the Fathers'… I give a heartfelt recommendation..."


Luke's website, lukejwilson.com.


Luke's facebook pages, Luke J Wilson, Author and That Ancient Faith.


Luke's blog, That Ancient Faith.

The particular post I mention is in 2 parts: here's part 1, and here's part 2.

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This Interview:

Here's a link to the video on Facebook.

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If you have any feedback, please contact me through my Facebook page Ruth Fanshaw, Writer, or email me at ruth@originaltextpublications.com.

You can find out more about me and my work at my website, ruthfanshaw.com.