80. How to Meditate with Dr. Reed Miloy

Becoming Virtuosa

16-04-2024 • 26 mins

One thing most patients have in common is that they want to reduce their stress levels. The tool of meditation is huge for stress management, and my returning guest, Dr. Reed Miloy, is here to share exactly why meditation is so effective, how it works, and how you can get started in just a few short minutes per day.

Dr. Reed Miloy is an internal medicine physician who runs his own practice. He’s on a mission to help the general public become healthier by going to the source of what causes pain, and what causes happiness. He has witnessed the power of meditation in reducing stress, and we’re diving into all of it this week.

To learn more, come visit us at DrCrockett.com, or find us on YouTube for the Dr. Crockett Show.