Nourishing the Mind - Exploring the Intersection of Nutrition, Hypnosis, and Trauma Recovery with Kerry Madgwick

The Change Gang Podcast

28-12-2023 • 30 mins

Kerry Madgwick joins me for an energy filled conversation! Kerry is a multi award winning Hypno-nutritionist, author of "If You Believe You Can Heal Yourself You Can', and speaker. She is passionate about all things gut health and mental well-being, is a neuroscience geek and guides you to take control of your health and well being, reminding you that you are your own CEO.

We talk all about the wonders of the mind and that we're the amazing navigators of our life in so many ways.  She makes a wonderful statement that 'The mind is the most powerful 'thing' you'll every own'.  And talks about her journey in healing endometriosis, colon issues and chronic fatigue. Kerry is full of a true sense of living and working in purpose and it comes through in the conversation!

You can find Kerry at her favorite place, Instagram, right here:

Kerry Madgwick

Her website is:

Kerry Madgwick

And you can jump into conversation with her on any of these other socials:

Healthy Gateway Group

Kerry on Linked In

Kerry on Twitter

Please come join me in the Change Gang Group on Facebook!

Change Gang Group

And I'd love to connect on Instagram, too:

Laura Ordile

Remember to grab some wonderful freebies before you go!

Fun Freebies

OH! And I just put the perfect one out there for those of you that want to sleep better and live happier! It's not on the website yet, so you can get that one right here:

Sleep Better and Live Happier!

Have a happy week! I'll meet you right here same time, next week!
