What it's Like to Work with Laura: A Candid Conversation with Belinda

The Change Gang Podcast

06-05-2024 • 16 mins

This is a little different today! But a fun one. A wonderful client of mine, Belinda, has a conversation with me about what it was like to move through the process of working together. What surprised her, what her favorite parts were and how she's doing now.

I enjoyed this conversation so much, because it's so great to hear how Belinda is doing now and the adventures I know are awaiting her still! As the work I do, has a compounding effect going forward in your life. As you adjust to your New Zero Point, you find yourself more and more able to take the steps towards what you want most in your life, and to live in a happiness you didn't realize was possible!

And I definitely look forward to connecting more with you! If you'd like to have a FREE life mapping chat with me, you can grab a time right here to do that:

20 Minute FREE Life Mapping Session

You can also find me on the CATCH website. It has a great video and some free recordings right there to explain more.

CATCH - Laura Ordile

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And I have a brand new one that's not even on the website yet. If you'd like to boost your happiness and increase your sleep, this one's for you!
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Thank you so much for joining me in the fun. I'd be very grateful if you would be willing to take a moment and rate and review the show for me. And I hope you have a great week!
Happy day to you,