The Power of Mindfulness in Finding Happiness with Lucy Golby

The Change Gang Podcast

24-06-2024 • 28 mins

Lucy Golby returns today for an all encompassing conversation about change and happiness in life. Lucy shares some easy ways to start the change process in your own life, sometimes simply by being mindful of things you might not think are influencing you. We chat about the importance of gratitude, energy, awareness and more.

Lucy and I open the door to talking about Kinetic Shift, Quantum work and Emotional Detox in an easy, down to earth exchange of some of our own experiences, as well as how those things might help you.

Lucy is a Mental Welfare Coach, Hypnotist and Trainer. She developed Hypnotic Healing Zone to create a space dedicated to helping others turn their mess into a mission. Her world is where transformation is not just a profession, but a personal journey that led her from anxiety ridden chaos to a life anchored in resilience.

You can connect with Lucy here:

Lucy's Website - Hypnotic Healing Zone

Lucy on Facebook

And I definitely look forward to connecting more with you! If you'd like to have a FREE life mapping chat with me, you can grab a time right here to do that:

20 Minute FREE Life Mapping Session

You can also find me on the CATCH website. It has a great video and some free recordings right there to explain more.

CATCH - Laura Ordile

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And I have a brand new one that's not even on the website yet. If you'd like to boost your happiness and increase your sleep, this one's for you!
And I'm also always happy to connect on Instagram:
Thank you so much for joining me in the fun. I'd be very grateful if you would be willing to take a moment and rate and review the show for me. And I hope you have a great week!
Happy day to you,