Get Up and Go Anyway: Life's Detours Can Still Lead to Success

The Change Gang Podcast

19-02-2024 • 9 mins

Another conversation with you and me! This is a little reminder that sometimes the next step forward might not be one you cherish, but it can still end up a success for you.

Keep going and remember that for every step you take, the universe is taking 10,000 more towards you to give you that end result you most want in your life.

Please come join me in the Change Gang Group on Facebook!

Change Gang Group

And I'd love to connect on Instagram, too:

Laura Ordile

Remember to grab some wonderful freebies before you go!

Fun Freebies

OH! And I just put the perfect one out there for those of you that want to sleep better and live happier! It's not on the website yet, so you can get that one right here:

Sleep Better and Live Happier!

Have a happy week! I'll meet you right here same time, next week!
