Leandro Acevedo & Veronica Olivares: The Power of Holistic Healing

Deposit That

28-01-2020 • 45 mins

Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person – mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

As some of you may know, in 2017 I went on a personal journey meant to bring back balance in my relationships, my life, my mind, and my body. That’s when I met Leo and Veronica and without them, I probably wouldn’t be where I am now.

In today’s episode, we talk about their work and how they are able to help people by combining different techniques, from massage therapy and balancing internal energies through meditation, to dance, and creative arts therapy.

Veronica Olivares has built a private practice as a therapist, combining a holistic approach with traditional methods. She discovered the significant impact of alternative healing techniques while training in dance therapy as well as in the creative arts. Always having been a creative herself, Veronica believes that true healing and transformation can occur when we learn to tap into the parts of us that ignite and inspire the creator within.

Leandro Acevedo is a holistic massage therapist with over twenty years of experience. He has created his own style of healing by combining different techniques plus adding his own methods. He believes if we understand how energy works, we can use it to benefit our health mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. His work focuses on balancing internal energies in order to heal.

Listen to Episode 32 of Deposit That, to learn the different types of problems people have when they decide to work with Leo and Veronica, and why a holistic approach can help you bring harmony into your life.

Questions I ask:

  • Veronica, what do you think got you specifically into this space other than to help other people? (03:45)
  • What causes judgmental people, in this world we live in, to be so judgmental and critical without knowing the full story? (13:36)
  • How did you guys meet? (14:46)
  • Do you believe that every single person should incorporate energy work into their life at some point? And is there a time when it’s more beneficial or less beneficial? (20:13)
  • Do you ever let your business work impact your personal life? (36:13)
  • Explain how men and women are so different and how they are supposed to interact with each other? What are the biggest things that people conflict on? (40:17)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Leo and Veronica’s background and what they currently do. (01:05)
  • About the dark shadow that’s present in each one of us. (08:40)
  • Where the ego comes from. (09:28)
  • The skill that makes talk therapy so efficient. (21:15)
  • Veronica and Leo’s secret ingredient that makes them better than other people in their field of work. (28:17)
  • How Veronica and Leo prove their work is real. (32:24)
  • Your Deposit That advice for this episode. (43:49)

Connect with Veronica & Leo

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