Deposit That

Jeff Van Note

The American Dream - a phrase first coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, has grown significantly since its inception. The original meaning referred to a “dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement…” Today, Entrepreneurship is quickly replacing the original meaning of The American Dream. Going deeper, it is the psychological belief that Entrepreneurship provides freedom, sought out by the brave. Freedom which in 1814 Francis Scott Key authored the term for America as “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”, which also in 1931 became implemented by the singing of the National Anthem.

In today’s world, not many are experiencing freedom. Americans are buried in debt, subject to increased costs of living with stagnant wages, usually at a 9-5 job they can’t stand but have to keep in order to put food on the table and a roof over head. America is faced with three major hurdles as we move forward and they are racism, economic inequality, and gender inequality.

This podcast will feature all types of individuals and professionals of all ages, colors, shapes and sizes. They will share their background, upbringing, life transitions, successes, and real life struggles so that you can witness first hand for yourself the winning mentality. Some call it drive, others call it purpose. I call it “The IT factor”. Each episode is going to contain valuable information to help you grow on your path, regardless what stop or place in life you are at currently. I want you to be able to take just one thing away from each episode and implement it to your psychology or daily activities. Which brings us to the title “Deposit That” and its meaning. I want you to take just one thing to your memory bank aka brain, and “DEPO$IT THAT”.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Ralph Dibugnara: Disrupting the Real Estate World
Ralph Dibugnara: Disrupting the Real Estate World
One of the reasons there’s poor management in the mortgage sector is the lack of education. People end up in managing positions, without really understanding the full landscape, and that affects how the entire industry develops and influences the lives of so many people.It’s time for some change, don’t you agree?Ralph intends to disrupt the way you think about the mortgage industry, the way you see the business, and the way you do business. He encourages people to think outside the box, take some shots, and try different things.In today’s episode, I am joined by my friend, Ralph, who is living proof that you can form friendships in business and business in friendships. We take the pulse of the mortgage industry today, stressing the need for more education – both for buyers and sellers - and we dive into predictions for the foreseeable future.Ralph Dibugnara is a nationally recognized mortgage expert and a frequent real estate industry commentator, featured in CNBC, Fox Business, Forbes, Huffington Post, and several other top-tier media outlets. With over 15+ years of experience, he is the President of Home Qualified and Vice President at Cardinal Financial, and focuses on the millennial demographic and redefining the role of the banker in today’s buyer-centric real estate market.A frequent industry commentator, Ralph is laser-focused on the trends and tides of the new world real estate game, so listen to Episode 39 of Deposit That, to learn the latest tendencies in this industry, especially with everything that’s going on in the US, today.Questions I ask:Do you think that it was very important learning sales first, then add to your God-given talent of management skills? (01:46)What do you think causes the poor lack of leadership and management, specifically in the mortgage industry? (02:36)How do you set your goals and what your future plans are, in a daily environment? (22:12)Do you think loan officers are still a value nationwide? (28:33)How do we get out to the consumer that not every rate is for every single person, and we don’t control that? (34:21)What do you see happening over the next 90 days in the marketplace? (39:33)In this episode, you will learn:Ralph’s background and how he got into the mortgage business. (00:58)The importance of developing a personal brand. (07:36)How having a routine was one of the contributors to Ralph’s success. (14:27)How Ralph views the recruiting process in this industry. (26:23)The vision behind the “real estate disruptors”. (29:11)Ralph’s Deposit That advice. (43:37)Connect with Ralph:LinkedInInstagramCardinal Financial WebsiteHome Qualified Website Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Marcus Stout: On-court to Off-court
Marcus Stout: On-court to Off-court
Nowadays, we are told to pretend, fake, and create this persona that we’re not. Being comfortable with yourself and being honest with who you are, gives you the energy to thrive in the space that you step into, no matter what that is.In today’s episode, Marcus and I focus on the topic of overcoming the struggle of going from the sports structure into the life after sports because the longer you play, the harder it is to accept when it ends.Marcus Stout works with basketball players of all levels in various capacities to develop their on and off-court skills. He is involved with many programs, such as NBA Pre Draft training - which helps prepare players for the NBA who are eligible for the draft; The Academy – which is a program that is focused on developing the overall skills of the youth as a player and person; Drill and Play – which focuses on the development of the youth through the game of basketball.So, listen to Episode 38 of Deposit That, to learn that acceptance of who you are and how you fit within the world is the biggest separator of people that are doing great and people that are not.Questions I ask:Tell us about your journey. (01:13)Do you feel like your injuries happened for a reason, in order to give you the opportunity to give back the way you are today, to kids, and inspiring the youth, or do you think there was another reason for that? (03:01)How was the transition from high school, with no expectations, into college and playing? (03:44)Do you see sports ever changing back to the old school way of combine, show up, get looked and move forward? Or is it more of a long-shot investment now? (09:12)What’s one thing you want to leave the listeners with? (55:44)In this episode, you will learn:In today’s sports world everyone is looking for shortcuts to find the next diamond in the rough. (12:28)How to keep a balance in the roller coaster of the sports world. (20:49)Marc’s experience with getting injured. (27:31)The longer you play, the harder it is to accept when it ends. (31:56)The reasons why writing is therapeutic. (34:16)The top 5 young NBA players to watch. (52:15)Connect with Marcus:LinkedInFacebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Frank Valenti: Hard Work Pays Off, No Matter What
Frank Valenti: Hard Work Pays Off, No Matter What
There’s no substitute for hard work, for grinding, for building your own thing. Even when you’re tired and you want to go home, putting an extra effort into what you’re doing, and hustling just a little bit more, can definitely make you feel better about yourself.  In today’s episode, I talk to Frank about a ton of things. He’s a young and restless individual, who never likes to sit still, so he’s got a lot of stories to tell. We chat about his background, his numerous experiences in different fields, and how he juggles his personal and professional life.From a young age, Frank Valenti worked alongside his father at his landscape construction company. While he was in college, studying civil engineering and construction management, he started his first company, doing small construction jobs. A friend of Frank’s advised him to get into the restoration business, so he founded Valcon Contracting Corp – a fire, mold, and water-restoration company, that now is very successful and is preferred over its competitors.Frank’s entrepreneurial spirit, and the success of his company, led him to invest his life savings into a commercial building. That building had an empty first floor, so he decided to start, together with two friends, an Italian restaurant called “808 Social”.So, listen to Episode 37 of Deposit That, to learn what makes this guy special, and the reasons why he’s the go-to guy whenever there’s a fire/mold/water restoration needed.Questions I ask:What would you say are two or three variables that turn a deal out to be good – better than expected, or bad – worse than expected? (05:47)Talk to me about all the ancillary businesses that you’ve opened up. Why you’ve opened them up and how you became the entrepreneur you are today? (08:29)If you had to pick one business that you have, to go all-in on, what would it be? (15:57)What do you see in the market in Westchester County right now? Where do you see opportunity and where do you see pain points? (16:30)Where do you think that the opportunity lies right now, in the real estate world? (21:21)In this episode, you will learn:How to land a job/project even though your rates are higher than your competitor’s. (11:13)How Frank ended up opening a restaurant. (14:21)What Frank looks at when analyzing a deal. (24:49)How Frank handles work-life balance. (28:25)Frank’s Deposit That advice. (33:31)Connect with Frank:LinkedInInstagramFacebookWebsite Valcon Contracting CorpValcon Contracting Corp on FacebookValcon Contracting Corp on InstagramWebsite 808 Social808 Social on Facebook808 Social on Instagram Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lamar McKnight: The Quarterback Expert – Trust Your Instinct
Lamar McKnight: The Quarterback Expert – Trust Your Instinct
In order to become successful, no matter the field you’re in, you’ve got to focus on the process and fall in love with “how” you do things, not with ”what” you can get out of what you do. Allow yourself to make mistakes, to learn and to adapt. Be open to everything because the minute you become naive and a tunnel-vision person, you stop growing.In today’s episode, I talk with Lamar about how he sees the world in general and the healthy attitude we should all have toward each other. He talks about becoming successful relying on your own forces and instincts, and he shares with us stories from his rich background.Lamar McKnight was born and raised in the heart of Jersey City. He almost lost his life from just hanging with the wrong people at the wrong time, but he survived and learned his lessons. Lamar says that his past is the root of his current success. He started the Lamar McKnight Quarterback Academy in New Jersey and he is one of the fastest-growing quarterback trainers in the country.What makes him so special is the way he views human connection – regardless of where you come from, regardless if your black or white, he’ll treat you according to the person you deserve to be.So, listen to Episode 36 of Deposit That, to learn some great life lessons from the man who knows what it’s like to not have enough but also what it feels like to have everything.In this episode, you will learn:Lamar’s background. (00:32)All people are the same, regardless of their color. (13:57)Nobody can come and take from you what you’ve built. (24:40)Sometimes what we think we want isn’t necessarily what we need – look back and self-reflect to understand how you got to where you are. (36:09)Lamar’s Deposit That advice. (59:44)Connect with Lamar:Website – Lamar McKnight Quarterback AcademyLinkedInTwitterInstagramFacebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sean Stein Smith: Unraveling the Truth Behind Cryptocurrency
Sean Stein Smith: Unraveling the Truth Behind Cryptocurrency
Since the invention of blockchain, in 2008, there has been a lot of fuss around cryptocurrency and how this could impact the world we live in. It’s a vast domain, that it’s becoming more and more influential with every year that passes.The average person on the street may have heard about blockchain, and Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, but as far as understanding what they are, how they work, and the application for them, there’s still an educational gap that needs to be filled.In today’s episode, I want to unravel the truth behind cryptocurrency with Dr. Sean Stein Smith. He explains, in simple words, the terminology around it and he also shares some tips on what to pay attention to, when we turn our heads toward this world.Sean Stein Smith is a professor at the City University of New York – Lehman College. He also is the chairperson of the NJCPA's Emerging Technologies Interest Group (#NJCPATech). He serves on the Advisory Board of the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, where he co-chairs the Accounting Work Group. Sean is on the Advisory Board of Gilded, a TechStars ’19 company. He was also a Visiting Research Fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research. Sean has also been named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting by Accounting Today.So, listen to Episode 35 of Deposit That, to learn cryptocurrency 101 from one of the knowledgeable people in this field.Questions I ask:What got you into cryptocurrency? And what happened in 2017? (01:02)Where are we at, in the crypto space right now? (06:39)How do you see Ripple impacting the financial sector? (12:03)Do you believe blockchain is built for every single industry? (22:45)What tips would you give to people that are interested in this field and want to learn and maybe invest? What would your advice be, in doing due diligence? (32:05)From a real estate standpoint, do you believe we’re starting to see more people buying and selling real estate with the blockchain and Bitcoin, or no? (37:40)Do you think we’ll come to a point where every single human has its own blockchain profile, like a Facebook profile? (38:43)In this episode, you will learn:What Ripple and XRP are. (12:07)What a token is. (12:59)The problems that blockchain solves in the world. (20:32)Blockchain and real estate – how these two work together. (23:53)The most commonly used asset for criminal actions. (26:57)Sean’s crypto-related Deposit That advice. (40:13)Connect with Sean:LinkedInTwitterFacebook Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Steven Koerner: Juggling Two Worlds - Personal and Professional
Steven Koerner: Juggling Two Worlds - Personal and Professional
“A good loan officer can fix problems; a great loan officer avoids them“Being in the mortgage industry has its perks, but it also means that you have to find a way to be available for your clients 24/7, and this is not an easy job, especially if you want to also take care of yourself and your family.But, once you figure out a system that works for you, things get a lot easier.In today’s episode, Steven and I discuss how to balance a mortgage career and a personal life, and he shares some of his routines and systems that have helped him manage the everyday hustle. In addition, we also talk about the current market environment and how Steven sees it evolve in the future.Steven Koerner and his dedicated team pride themselves on delivering a transparent, seamless and efficient mortgage experience to their clients.  Steven is a 17 year veteran in the mortgage industry who meticulously focuses on details for his clients. He has found his home with Citizens Bank for the past 5 years.  Steven is a recipient of multiple awards including “Presidents Club”, “Customer Satisfaction” and the prestigious “Citizens of Excellence”. Steven Koerner is a proven, time-tested exceptional mortgage expert.  Building a meaningful bond and educating his clients are some of the reasons why clients love working with him and his team.So, listen to Episode 34 of Deposit That, to learn how to do eight hours’ worth of work in half the time, and how to keep your clients happy.Questions I ask:What got you into the mortgage business? (01:22)What did you focus on when you got into the business? (02:15)How have you been able to manage your personal life with your business life? (16:45)What’s your weekly routine? (18:19)What would you say is the biggest sacrifice that you made for yourself and your wife? (44:44)What’s your personal forecast and understanding of the current market environment that we’re in right now? (48:16)In this episode, you will learn:The reason why Steven chose to be part of Citizens Bank. (10:49)The type of clients that work with Steven. (14:58)Steven’s follow-up process both with the referral source and with the client. (23:53)How Steven sets goals for the year and how he tracks on a monthly basis where he’s at. (29:01)The trouble with Zillow, in a nutshell. (51:35)Steven’s Deposit That advice for people to implement into their daily life. (52:57)Connect with StevenLinkedInFacebookCitizens Bank Hosted on Acast. See for more information.