Lea Marlene on Acting, Cancer, and Purpose

The Matt Balaker Podcast

22-03-2024 • 41 mins

Lea Marlene is the founder of the Lea Marlene Actors Studio and the Namastage Theatre. After a battle with melanoma cancer, she pivoted from being a professional stand-up comedian and actress to business owner. Hear her story about leaving LA to find her calling. In her own healing journey she had developed a deep desire to pay forward the powerful tools that have saved her life. That has become her life mission. Lea opened up what was originally called ACTASANA Acting Studio and Theatre in 2012 and it grew into what is Lea Marlene Actors Studio and The Namastage Theatre today, home of the revolutionary Actasana Technique whereby yoga is integrated into the acting curriculum to get the actor out of their head and into their heart. A native Coloradan, Lea earned a degree in Journalism; Broadcast News & Television with a minor in Theatre from Colorado State University. There she hosted a campus television show and interviewed several famous bands such as Outkast , Tribe Called Quest and The Black Eyed Peas. While in college she also wrote, directed, produced and acted in her first short film. After college Lea moved to Hollywood where she landed roles on stage and screen while also studying the Meisner Technique. While in LA, Lea developed a stand up comedy act; producing, hosting and performing in numerous comedy venues in The US including the world famous Improv and The Comedy Store.