Restructuring...Severance or Demotion...Which Would You Rather ?

The Job Doctor - Tessa White

03-06-2024 • 18 mins

Mistee works in healthcare and her department is being restructured. She needs to decide whether to take severance or stay on and accept a lesser role. Tessa covers a variety of topics related to Mistee’s situation.

  • Relevance of the Older Worker’s Benefit Protection Act
  • Negotiation potential within a highly structured field such as healthcare
  • Good leverage vs Bad Leverage
  • Potential benefits accepting a lesser role and staying at the company, especially for older workers - Some benefits may include PTO, a pension, healthcare benefits or other benefits that may have been grandfathered in.
  • Negotiating a structured exit

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Order Tessa's Book "The Unspoken Truths for Career Success: Navigating Pay, Promotions, and Power at Work"