#48: Are you saying YES, when you need a NO?

The Uplift Effect Podcast

21-04-2023 • 13 mins

Today is not just about parenting. It's about your real, every day life that's bulging at the seams from overcommitment, too many demands on your time and energy, and in need of an intervention. Today I read a section from "Present Over Perfect: leaving behind frantic for a simpler, more soulful way of living" by Shauna Niequist. This book overs so much insight and is for anyone who's looking for SIMPLER. Is there anyone who doesn't have their hand up for that?

This was a game changer for me years ago and I've incorporated it into the counseling and coaching work I now do with families and corporations. This episode is a perspective shift and there is hope in that shifting. Enjoy!

Email me at falling.jill@gmail.com