Ciara Samuels: Championing access

Full of Fire

10-07-2020 • 35 mins

In this episode I speak to Ciara Samuels, a recent Oxford graduate and the founder of the highly inspirational Humans of Oxford University.

Whilst she was President of her college in Oxford, the university released their disappointing admissions statistics showing a lack of diversity and representation of students from diverse backgrounds. In fact, from 2015-2017, 42% of Oxbridge places were allocated to private-school students who made up only 7% of the entire UK’s student body.

These worrying statistics encouraged Ciara to found Humans of Oxford University to showcase the inspiring stories from students around the university who come from non-traditional backgrounds in the hope that this would encourage prospective applicants to apply.

Ciara currently plans on undertaking a law degree in the next academic year and her long term goal is to work for charities or a larger organisation, like the UN, where she could work in human rights.

Ciara was great to chat to and her work to people of diverse backgrounds to access top universities is inspiring. She gives advice on how to make a strong application even if you don’t have much support at home or at school, and how to push for change at institutions, even when people don’t seem to be listening!