Full of Fire

Sarah Eversfield

The podcast inspiring girls through interviews with amazing people!

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Cat Davison: Empowering communities
Cat Davison: Empowering communities
In this episode, we hear from Cat Davison, who has set up the education charity EduSpots in her 20s whilst working in normal full-time jobs.  Cat is interested in learning how to create systems that empower and bring people together who aspire to create change in their communities.  Cat talks about how she went from being a shy teenager to leading EduSpots, and gives advice to girls hoping to create the future they want to see. She talks about some of the challenges and questions that have arisen in the process, and her ongoing efforts to position local leaders, their voices and their communities, at the heart of the EduSpots model.   Cat grew up in London before studying Philosophy and later Management at Cambridge University. She left university to go straight into teaching, hoping to spread her passion for ethical philosophy and sport, before an opportunity to be involved in an education project in rural Ghana led to a shift in focus.  Alongside teaching, Cat has since worked with a Ghanaian team to set up the EduSpots education network which aims to train, equip and connect educational 'catalysts' to enable community-led change. She studied an MA in Education and International Development at UCL and spent a year living, listening, and completing research in Ghana. In 2020, an estimated 15,000 learners of all ages have directly benefited from the 40 education 'spots', which are shared by local schools and run by a network of local volunteers who are trained in leadership, practical STEM and literacy development.  Connected to this, EduSpots also runs online courses which enable European and African students to connect through live discussions of development theory and practice with a focus on African scholarship. Cat is currently also Director of Service and Social Impact at Sevenoaks School and Chair of the Independent School Council’s Community Action Group.
Renee McGregor: Tackling eating disorders
Renee McGregor: Tackling eating disorders
In this episode of Full of Fire, I speak to leading sports and eating disorders dietician Renee McGregor and find out about her job, her own terrifying experience of anorexia and her work with young athletes to encourage healthy relationships with food and exercise.Renee is a best-selling author and leading sports and eating disorder dietitian with over 15 years experience working with elite athletes, coaches and sport science teams alongside normal teenagers.Renee has delivered nutrition support to athletes over the last two Olympic and Paralympic cycles, and regularly works with high performing and professional athletes that have developed a dysfunctional relationship with food and exercise. She founded the #TRAINBRAVE campaign aiming to inspire more athletes to share their stories and raise awareness of the risks of eating disorders and RED-s (Relative Energy Deficiency syndrome - when people regularly exercise hard and don’t eat enough to refuel). Renee talks about the reasons young people develop eating disorders and speaks about her own experiences with racism and low self-worth as a teenager that led to her own anorexia. She highlights the damaging messages that are transmitted via social media by influencers and celebrities who have no education in nutrition. Renee herself aims to use social media to educate with truth and science (after studying for 3 degrees in Biochemistry, Dietetics and Sports Nutrition!), but admits to having a love/hate relationship with Instagram. Renee also talks about the signs you can notice in yourself and your friends of developing unhealthy relationships with food or exercise and gives advice about what to do if you have a friend you’re worried about.This is an in-depth episode that is valuable listening for young people - and also for sports coaches, PE teachers and parents. Nutrition, sports nutrition, eating disorders and RED-s are such complex areas, but it’s really important to be aware of the issues.