Chapter-4 | ज्ञान योग और कर्म का अनुशासन | Transcendental Knowledge | Bhagwad Geeta - As it is by Harish Tolani (Chikoo Bhaiya)

Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta - The Divine Song of God

26-05-2022 • 11 mins

The science of Bhagavad – gita was first spoken by Krishna to Vivasvan, the sun-god. Vivasvan taught the science to his descendents, who taught it to humanity. This system of transmitting knowledge is called disciplic succession.

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religion and a rise of irreligion, Krishna appears in His Original Transcendental Form, untouched by material nature. One who understands the transcendental nature of the Lord attains the Lord’s eternal abode at the time of death.

Everyone surrenders to Krishna, directly or indirectly, and Krishna reciprocates according to one’s surrender.

Krishna created a system called varnasrama, with divisions of social and spiritual life, to engage people according to their psychophysical natures. By sacrificing the results of work to the Supreme, people gradually rise to the platform of transcendental knowledge. Ignorant and faithless people who doubt the revealed knowledge of the scriptures can never be happy, nor attain God Consciousness.