Your personal brand through the lens – Fi Mims

Master Your Market

15-04-2024 • 23 mins

The way you look in photos says so much about you… whether you like it or not! People make a perception about you in a fraction of a second, so how present yourself on your website, social media and brochures, goes a long way towards building likeability and trust.

I asked Fi to be my first guest on Master Your Market. She is not only an awesome photographer – she handled my portfolio of photos – she’s also a terrific personal brand consultant.

Fi tells me about the importance of authenticity and connection in personal branding. And she highlights the role of photos, videos, and podcasts in showcasing one's personality. She also provides insights into preparing for a photo shoot, including choosing outfits, locations, and props that align with one's brand.

Fi Mims Photography

Chris Ashmore Media

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