Episode 56: The Art of Belonging with Shelly Ceridwen Doyle Part 2

Gears, Action, Growth: Shifting Business Culture one Conversation at a Time

10-02-2024 • 20 mins

In this episode we discuss loneliness and how to create states of belonging with Shelley Ceridwen Doyle, a Connection Coach who helps nomadic souls feel a sense of belonging without relying on social media. watch the video here: http://tinyurl.com/2hwvhdne Show Notes: Contact Shelley Ceridwen Doyle: Visit http://communiverse.vip or schedule a call LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelleydoyle/ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ShelleyCeridwen Download her free masterclass: How to Find Your People and Feel Connected While Navigating Change here https://communiverse.vip/5-150 Learn more at https://bio.site/communiverse Dunbar’s number: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20191001-dunbars-number-why-we-can-only-maintain-150-relationships Let us know your thoughts. Contact Josephine at https://gearedforgrowth.biz/contact/