Episode 52: Culture Secrets with Chellie Phillips

Gears, Action, Growth: Shifting Business Culture one Conversation at a Time

05-12-2023 • 29 mins

Chellie Phillips is a coach, corporate trainer and motivational speaker, as well as the author of two other books: When In Doubt, Delete It! And Get Noticed, Get Hired. She’s spent over 25 years in the utility industry where she received numerous state and national awards for her first-rate communication and public relations skills including the 2022 LaBerge Award for Strategic Communications from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Now she uses those same skills to help people create an authentic personal brand designed to get them noticed and hired You can find Chellie at https://www.chelliephillips.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/chellie-phillips/ Purchase Culture Secrets at: mybook.to/culturesecrets.com Your insights matter! Let's keep the conversation alive. Share your thoughts and future topic ideas with us at 👉 https://gearedforgrowth.biz/contact/ 👈 #LeadershipLessons #ComplexityCracked #TheDaysOfLeadership