Novice to Noteworthy | Podcast Strategy for Entrepreneurs

Kristen Stegall

Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. read less


11. Optimize Your YouTube Channel to Grow Your Podcast | Playlists, Tags, YouTube Podcasts, and More!
11. Optimize Your YouTube Channel to Grow Your Podcast | Playlists, Tags, YouTube Podcasts, and More!
Having a presence on YouTube has been a game changer for my clients and their podcast growth, but there are some optimization tips that will bring more impactful growth with less effort. In this episode, I share tips you can implement this week to grow your podcast. If you want to put the fuel back in your podcast fire with fresh branding, a full audit of your analytics and content, and a clear growth strategy, you need a Media Makeover! Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Resources mentioned: Create a Podcast in YouTube Studio Some key takeaways from this episode include: If you’re not already posting video versions of your podcast on YouTube, make that your first step. A graphic or animation over the audio of your episode is a good start, but it’s not going to bring much growth over time. Organize your videos into playlists according to your content themes. Make the titles of the playlists searchable, and organize the playlists on your channel landing page.  Make sure you’re keeping your channel keywords, summary, and links up to date. Not only does this help with search, it also makes sure your viewers know if your content is a good fit for them as quickly as possible. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
10. The Art of the 5-Minute Podcast | What It Takes to Produce a Short & Sweet Show with Janna Carlson
10. The Art of the 5-Minute Podcast | What It Takes to Produce a Short & Sweet Show with Janna Carlson
Producing a long podcast episode can feel super overwhelming, but there’s very specific preparation you need to do for a 5-minute podcast episode as well. In this episode, my friend Janna Carlson of Studio Rocket Web Design, joins us to share her experience of quitting social media, producing a 5-minute podcast to nurture prospective clients,  and her experience as a digital nomad. Janna and her husband, Jeremy, run the company together. They’re currently living abroad as digital nomads in Portugal! Connect with Janna! Studio Rocket Web Design The 5-Minute Podcast LinkedIn Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Resources mentioned: Should You Start a Podcast or YouTube Channel First? Some key takeaways from this episode include: Podcasts are a game changer for connecting with potential clients or audience members who are brand new to who you are and what you do. Regardless of the length of your podcast, keep connection at the forefront. Planning, recording, and editing a 45-minute podcast is really overwhelming for a lot of people, but a 5-minute podcast is way more accessible. Shorter episodes make it way easier to be consistent. For Janna, taking a step back from social media gave her a bigger sense of calm, improved her mental health, and left space for her to do more mindful activities. For what it’s worth, leaving social media actually improved her podcast downloads instead of hurting them! Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
9. Lessons Learned From Hitting 100 Episodes… Five Times
9. Lessons Learned From Hitting 100 Episodes… Five Times
We’ve had four clients hit the 100 episode milestone in the last six months, five clients hit it total (one was in March 2022), and our 6th client will hit it by Q2 in 2024. Of those five clients, only two have worked with us starting from their launch, so I wanted to share the different paths they’ve taken to get there to encourage you! If you dream of having a podcast library in the triple digits, this episode is for you! Learn more and apply for our Podcast Launch packages (Psst… podcast listeners get 10% off through Nov. 30th)  Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways include: The first thing that all these podcasts have in common is that they started. You cannot get to 10 episodes, 50 episodes, 100, 200+, if you never even have one episode. There is no shame in changing how often you upload or what day you upload. Will it affect your numbers? Yes, but adapting your show to help you keep going is way more important than a temporary dip in downloads. If you don’t vibe with your producer, or you don’t have the time and energy to do your own thing, you won’t make it to those triple digits. Hire a knowledgeable team that you enjoy working with! Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
8. The Overachievers Guide to Knowing When to Quit | Comeback Era Pt. 2
8. The Overachievers Guide to Knowing When to Quit | Comeback Era Pt. 2
Welcome back to my Comeback Era series, where I’m sharing the behind-the-scenes of my life and business over the last year. One of the biggest parts of healing for me this year has been recognizing when I’m holding onto a goal that’s no longer serving me, so in this episode, I’m sharing how I realized that I tend to hold onto things for too long, and how I’ve been working through what it’s time to let go of. Resources mentioned: Free Podcast Launch Guide Learn more about our Podcast Launch packages (Psst… podcast listeners get 10% off through Nov. 30th)  Watch to Part 1: Behind the Scenes of the Hardest Year of My Life Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: Where is comparison or perfectionism causing you to hold onto goals or visions that don’t actually align with your heart? Our idea of a “perfect” mom or business owner is aspirational, but you’re not a failure if you don’t fit that mold perfectly. Is your identity too closely tied to your success in a certain aspect of your life? Instead of your business being your “baby,” can you separate yourself from it in a healthier way? In a hard season, it’s so easy to get caught up in a “why me?” victim mentality. Let yourself wallow for a bit, and then, refocus your attention to what you can actually control. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
7. What You Need to Launch Your Podcast In 2024 (Or Before The New Year!)
7. What You Need to Launch Your Podcast In 2024 (Or Before The New Year!)
We are in the last quarter of the year, so if you had a goal this year to launch a podcast, we are in the home stretch to accomplish that. You might also be looking forward to Q1 2024 for your podcast launch. Either way, in this episode, I’m sharing all the things you need to launch a podcast in the next six months, and some ways we can support you with that goal!  Resources mentioned: Free Podcast Launch Guide Learn more about our Podcast Launch packages (Psst… podcast listeners get 10% off through Nov. 30th)  Listen to Episode 1: Don’t Launch a Podcast Without These 4 Things Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: What are the three words you want people to use to describe your podcast? These will inform everything from the topics you cover, to the music you choose, to how you deliver your content from a production standpoint. You need a content strategy! Decide the length and frequency of your podcast, where and how you’ll promote your episodes, and where the content from your show can be repurposed for maximum exposure. Launch with three episodes. That might sound overwhelming, but it gives your audience the ability to binge your content from the jump, which maximizes your total launch downloads, and lets them preview the different formats or episode types they’ll hear on the show. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
6. Maintaining Your Podcast During a Busy Season
6. Maintaining Your Podcast During a Busy Season
Speaking from my personal and professional experience, when people hit a busy season in their life or business, their podcast is the first thing to go. This can put a halt on their growth goals and make it difficult to get back into posting. In this episode, I’m sharing how to keep your podcast going during a busy season without adding too much more to your plate! Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: One of the easiest ways to make your podcast more manageable during a busy season is to shorten your episodes. Focus on 1-3 actionable points per episode to make them valuable but succinct. If your podcast is mainly solo episodes, that can take a long time to prep. Focus on interviews temporarily so you can just write a standard list of questions and record a bunch of interviews back-to-back. If all else fails, re-release old podcast episodes. Start with the most downloaded episodes for max listenership. Just record a new intro to edit into the beginning. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
5. BTS of the Hardest Year of My Life and How I’m Making My Comeback from My Flop Era | Comeback Era Pt. 1
5. BTS of the Hardest Year of My Life and How I’m Making My Comeback from My Flop Era | Comeback Era Pt. 1
If you know me personally, or follow me on social media, you know this has been a really hard year for myself and my family. In this episode, I’m sharing all the things (okay, most of the things - my family’s privacy is very important to me!) that have been going on behind the scenes, and - more importantly - the actionable steps I’ve been taking to exit my flop era and get back in the game. Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: Medication was a life changing tool for me this year. I didn’t realize how much stigma I still carried around mental health treatment even though I consider myself an advocate for mental health care. Getting ready - meaning putting on “real clothes” and doing my hair and makeup - has made me feel human again. My confidence is better, I feel more energized going into the day, and I don’t cringe when I catch my reflection in the mirror. This difficult season has exposed where there are cracks in the foundation of my life and business. One of the things helping me make a comeback is facing those issues head on to feel a better sense of control and move the needle forward. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
4. Why You Need a Podcast Producer… Not Just an Editor
4. Why You Need a Podcast Producer… Not Just an Editor
When podcasters are ready to outsource, the first person they think of is an editor - but that’s just one key to the podcast puzzle! In this episode, I’m sharing why a podcast producer should be your go-to person instead of a standalone editor to make sure you stay consistent and employ a strong growth strategy. Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: If you have a team member take on your podcast instead of outsourcing, they might do an amazing job, but the show will eventually fall to the wayside in favor of client-facing work.  Editing is the first thing people outsource, and it is cheaper to hire an editor instead of a podcast producer. BUT, editing is just one piece of the podcast puzzle and there is still a lot of work left to do when the edit is done. When you have a podcast producer, you can rest assured that your episode is going to get done on time, with all the bells and whistles including SEO optimized title, YouTube thumbnail, show notes, all the things! Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
3. Should You Start a Podcast or a YouTube Channel First?
3. Should You Start a Podcast or a YouTube Channel First?
Hey friends! As a production company that specializes in video podcasts and YouTube optimization, we get a lot of questions about podcasting vs. YouTube. In this episode, we’re breaking down how (*spoiler alert!*) you should be growing both at the same time! I share the top benefits of both platforms, plus address some concerns or fears you may have about appearing on video. Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch Checklist Sign up for the Novice Notes email newsletter Book a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from the episode include: Podcasting is here to stay and YouTube is here to stay. No matter how many people are predicting the end of long form content, both YouTube and podcasting continue to grow in viewership and sponsorship revenue. The intimacy of long form content is unmatched. There’s nothing like being the sole voice in someone’s ear to make them feel connected to you and be more attentive than on other platforms. Don’t get caught up in how you look when you’re recording video content for your podcast. Video is queen on all platforms, so show up as your most confident self and get the video version of your show out there! Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios:  Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Website
2. Want to Grow Your Podcast? Focus on THIS Instead of Your Downloads
2. Want to Grow Your Podcast? Focus on THIS Instead of Your Downloads
Downloads got you down? If you are setting huge download targets for your podcast and never hitting them, you are quickly going to burn out AND fall out of love with your podcast. As a business owner, I know setting goals is important to you, so in this episode I’m sharing some growth-oriented goals you can set (and achieve!) for your podcast. Keep the party going! Download our free Podcast Launch ChecklistSign up for the Novice Notes email newsletterBook a Discovery Call with Kristen Some key takeaways from this episode include: Downloads are an important metric to track, but at the end of the day, you can’t force anyone to press play on your podcast. Focus on metrics you can control, and the downloads will inevitably come.The goals you can control can center around technical aspects like the length of your episodes, SEO elements like the spiciness of your titles, or promotional materials like going live once per week.Ultimately, take any and all growth recommendations with a grain of salt. Your show is YOUR show, and you should balance best practices with what feels good and authentic to you. Hosted by Kristen Stegall, CEO of Novice Studios, Novice to Noteworthy is a podcast strategy resource for business owners! On this show, we cover all the tips and tricks you need to launch and grow your podcast, plus honest conversations about running a business and the ever-changing content marketing landscape. Novice Studios is a podcast production company specializing in video podcasts, and we offer packages to launch, revamp, and maintain your show on an ongoing basis. Connect with Novice Studios: InstagramLinkedInYouTubeWebsite