From a Sous Chef to an AI Ninja | Preksha Kaparwan of Alphaa AI

The Spotlight

05-08-2020 • 1 hr 1 min

“Only when you ask customers, will you be able to build something that they need” - Preksha Kaparwan.

As a rebellious army kid wanting to escape traditional education systems, and yet driven by an incredible yearning to travel the world, Preksha Kaparwan spent her childhood exploring various career paths - from being an astronaut to being an air hostess.

She finally locked in on a plan to graduate from the prestigious IHM Pusa College of Hotel Management. It is here that Preksha discovered the incredible life of a chef & pursued it with passion and joined the small community of Indian female chefs.

From getting accepted into a largely male team and a demanding work environment to leading a team of 28 and working 22 hour work shifts, Preksha made her mark in the hotel industry before she quit & became a techie!

Today, Preksha is the Co-Founder & CMO at Alphaa AI, a San Francisco based startup that is on a mission to make analytics accessible to everyone via conversations.

Wondering how a Preksha went from being a chef to a techie? Tune in to this episode of The Spotlight and know more about her incredible journey!