IOTifying the World | Arpit Chabbra of IOTfy

The Spotlight

02-09-2020 • 50 mins

“Okay Google! turn on the lights!”

Or Since we are all about podcasts, how about “Hey Siri! play The Spotlight!”

Getting the job done through a simple voice command is just brilliant. An experience that is super easy and convenient for the consumer. But have you ever thought about what goes into making our lives this easy?! Well that's the sort of questions we are going to answer on this episode of The Spotlight.

We are in conversation with Arpit Chabbra the CEO & Co-Founder of IOTfy - a startup that's bringing together IoT, Hardware, Cloud, and Mobile technologies to revolutionize the way we use consumer durables.

Join us as we speak to Arpit about his passion for engineering, studying at the NSIT, working for Yamaha, starting his first venture at the young age of 24, being a serial entrepreneur, tasting failure & knowing how to pivot to come out successful. And last but not least to better understand the role & scope of IOT.

Here are our key takeaways from this episode:

  1. Studying at NSIT & how to enrich your experience of an engineering degree.
  2. Knowing how to pivot in a failed startup.
  3. How to explore opportunities for new ideas.