Forever in Florence (Chapters 1-6)

John Scott Lawton's English, you know ...

23-02-2024 • 46 mins

In this rather different series of podcast Episodes (Series 11), I want to share with you a short novel I have written, set in Florence, Italy and inspired by its history and people and a recent working visit there. This series of podcasts is in effect, therefore, an audio book in a change from my usual host/guest interview format.

There will be other podcasts coming shortly in the more regular format, don't worry!

This episode therefore introduces you to my novel, 'Forever in Florence', which is formed in two parts; with the stories being presented as alternate chapters, set in two different time periods.

The odd numbered chapters; in this episode Chapters 1, 3, and 5; are set in the modern day and introduce you to its lead character, Isabella, who applies for a job in Florence's Academia Galleria so that she can be closer to her muse and idol Michelangelo and his works.

We follow Isabella's life and her loves, including her love of her home city, its food, its people, the beauty of Tuscany and her friendships, particularly with her best friend, Mia. In later episodes, you will also hear about her lifelong love for one particular songwriter, artist and poet who Isabella adores.

Chapter 1 (Extract)

"Isabella shivered with excitement as she felt her phone ping in her pocket. Maybe it was them? She daren’t look. She’d go for a coffee to calm her nerves, but it was a little late in the day for that, so it would have to be a glass of her favourite Chianti. But not now.

Florence was still buzzing with the throngs of people who flooded its narrow, stone flagged streets and wide piazzas at this time of year. Didn’t they know that she needed calm to get her thoughts in order so that she could think straight? Her whole body was throbbing with energy, vibration and warmth. It was not just the afternoon sun. This is the moment which could change her life, for the better or worse."

In parallel with Isabella's life, the second story line involves Francesca. This story is set in the High Renaissance and follows the life of Michelangelo as he struggles with his art, his stone craft, his relationships with the church and the city and with its controlling family, the Medici.

While based on some experiences described in the literature about Michelangelo's life, this is a story of fiction and is not meant to be wholly historically accurate, so please accept it as that; a story.

Chapter 2 (Extract) "Francesca hurried as best she could across the Ponte Vecchio, trying to lift her long skirts above the mud and filth on the ground. The pungent smell of raw meat and decaying fish filled the air and she held her breath for as long as she could, before freeing her lungs with a half-cry, half-sigh of exasperation as she turned towards his secret hideaway. Tears filled her beautiful blue eyes as she struggled to see in the evening twilight. Her hands clasped the few provisions she could carry under her top garment as she struggled to move away from some drunks who moved towards her menacingly."

If you would like to receive a free copy of the draft of the story so far, perhaps to read as you listen to the audio version, please email me at

For more information on this podcast series, 'John Scott Lawton's English, you know', or to make any comments or to ask any questions relating to English Language learning, please contact me at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or leave a sound bite comment on Spotify.

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