056 The importance of nature

Intuitive Revolution in Business Podcast

22-08-2022 • 33 mins

In this episode, I explain why being outdoors and connecting to nature is good for your business and your intuition. I have myself spent the entire week-end in my garden, which is unusual, digging the earth and planting things. This had done more for my mindset in my business than talking to a mentor. Not to say mentors are not important. They are. Nature has an extraordinary form of intelligence that perhaps us human underrate due to our faculty to think. This can disconnect us to the very thing that sustains us. Nature is such a great environment to create the space for our intuition to fruition, but also for our bodies to clear negative energies. My all time favourite is watching the stars. I also share the extraordinary of Willow, my step daughter's cat and the special bond we created in minutes.

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